
Automate Test with TestNG

Reading Time: 3 minutes In the previous tutorial we learn about What is Test Next Generation (TestNG) framework, Now it’s time for some hands-on experience of writing our first TestNG Test case. How to Create TestNG Class in Eclipse Follow below steps to create TestNG Class. Step 1: Navigate to src from the project folder and right-click the same. You will see TestNG as an option in the drop-down towards Continue Reading

Scala – IOT : First basic IOT application using Scala on RaspberryPi

Reading Time: 5 minutes Let’s start our journey for making the first IoT application to make world a better place 😉 (I would never miss a chance to mock Hooli ! 😉 ) In this blog finally the two technologies SCALA and IOT  will meet and we will be doing these many things in this blog: Setting up the scala sbt environment on RaspberryPi Developing your first IOT application Continue Reading

Getting started with ReactJS, Play 2.4.x, Scala, Anorm and WebJars

Reading Time: 2 minutes playing-reactjs This blog describes a basic example to render UI using React(A JavaScript library for building user interfaces) with Play 2.4.x, Scala, Anorm and WebJars. It also demonstrates the use of evolution in Play 2.4.x This is a classic CRUD application, backed by a JDBC database. It demonstrates: Handling asynchronous results, Handling time-outs Achieving, Futures to use more idiomatic error handling. Accessing a JDBC database, Continue Reading

Tutorial: Post Update on LinkedIn via Scribe using Scala

Reading Time: 3 minutes To post an Update on LinkedIn via your application, that is being built with Play 2.3.x, follow these steps ( this post summarizes the work done step by step). 1) Create a LinkedIn app (if you do not have one already) Click here – LinkedIn’s Developer Quick Start Guide and create an app. Enter all the details including Site URL. The Site URL could be something like Continue Reading

Adding an Email sending functionality in Play using Scala

Reading Time: < 1 minute To provide an Email Sending functionality in your Play App that is being built with Play 2.2.1, follow these steps ( this post summarizes the work done step by step). 1) Add following dependency in build.sbt (or in Build.scala for Play 2.1.x or older versions) “com.typesafe” %% “play-plugins-mailer” % “2.1-RC2”

Sign in with LinkedIn " functionality

Providing a Sign in with LinkedIn functionality using Scala

Reading Time: 3 minutes To integrate a Sign in with LinkedIn functionality in your social project that is being built with Play 2.2.1, follow these steps ( this post summarizes the work done step by step). 1) Create a LinkedIn app (if you do not have one already) Follow the link‎ and create an app. Enter all the details including Site URL . The Site URL could be something Continue Reading

Executing Lift Examples with SBT 0.11.3 and Eclipse

Reading Time: 2 minutes Recently we got our hands back on a Lift project after some time. A few of our clients had already moved from Lift to Play due to various reasons and one of them seemed to be dismal (read valid) documentation. There seem to be decent information like and along with the book Lift in Action. But most of these resources seem to be Continue Reading

Creating a Scala Project with SBT and Working in Eclipse

Reading Time: 4 minutes Inphina provides specialized Scala consulting, training and offshoring … Learn more about Scala@Inphina! There are numerous view points on the use of Maven or sbt for creating Scala projects. If you have been working on Java projects for a long time then your favorite has to be Maven unless it is Ant. Still Ant 😉 But there are several advantages of using sbt, including the Continue Reading

Remote Debugging Google App Engine Application on Eclipse

Reading Time: 2 minutes Sometimes it is handy to debug our application source code even when it is executing outside our IDE. This blog will explain how can we remotely debug a web application project developed in Google App Engine on eclipse IDE. The linux command to start web application on Google App engine development application server is [sourcecode language=”bash”] <exploded WAR directory path> [/sourcecode] The command runs Continue Reading