Manage Akka Actors With Supervisors

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

We are building a concurrent and massively scalable system using Akka framework. Akka uses light-weight Actor paradigm of managing concurrency.

Most of the times a bunch of Akka actors are required for a common functionality; therefore we do tend to manage them as a group.

This is where Akka Supervisor comes into the picture. Akka Supervisors are responsible for starting, stopping and monitoring child Akka actors.

Lets look now how to use supervisor over Akka Actors. Just to keep things simple we have an Actor which simply echoes the message it receives. Here is the code listing for EchoActor:

We will build supervision on a bunch of EchoActor, lets say our supervisor is EchoActorSupervisor. But before we actually look at its code listing we understand its constituent elements first.

The Supervisor first require SupervisorConfig. This SupervisorConfig in turn requires fault handling strategy for the group of actors. They are:

  • AllForOneStrategy
  • OneForOneStrategy

The AllForOne fault handler will restart all the components and OneForOneStrategy fault handler will restart just the component which died. Fault Handler takes as parameter a List of Exceptions which will be handled, maximum number of restart tries and within-time in millis

Lets have a look how does our SupervisorConfig looks like:

Supervisor can now be created by passing in SupervisorConfig created in previous listing:

now we can link and unlink actors to the supervisor. In our case since we are using EchoActor we can link two Actor Reference to the supervisor. In the code below we are linking and starting two EchoActor.

If you like a shorthand way of doing it where you can start and link the actors in a go, here is the code listing for that.

Since, we have provided Fault Tolerance Strategy we will also like to see it working in action. For that Echo Actor should die after throwing an Exception.

Let Echo Actor be changed to throw an Exception when it has an ErrorInducingMessage. For this to occur we will introduce a simple case class ErrorInducingMessage and we will change EchoActor to die when it gets this message. Here I also override a lifecycle method postRestart in EchoActor to show that actor came up after throwing exception.

The code listing for described changes:

To show the fault handling strategy in action we will send one message each to actors. Then we send one ErrorInducingMessage to one of the actor and finally we send one message each again. Lets combine all of this together.

For want of shorter code where we do not explicitly start the actors here is the complete code listing.

When we run this we see that there are two messages from each actors. There is some error trace as expected. Then we see that one of the actor is back again. Finally we see that two messages are printed by each actors.

Application Execution

Fault tolerance is important in the sense that we are sure of whether all actors managed by a supervisor are dead or none of them are dead. Instead of preventing from things to go wrong we think about recovery from a crash. This in sense encourages non-defensive programming.

The Akka code for this can be downloaded from here. This is a sbt project and code can be executed by executing following at command prompt

5 thoughts on “Manage Akka Actors With Supervisors5 min read

  1. Hello, It seems the Supervisor class is no longer available in akka 2.0. Do you know what the proper pattern for this would be in akka 2.0.x?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Ricardo,

      Thanks for reading my post. This post is valid for Akka 1.3x series. The move to Akka 2.0 from Akka 1.3x series by Typesafe was a lot more than just an API change. It was rather a paradigm shift with new concepts.

      In Akka 2.0 an Actor gets created from ActorSystem. Typically you will have more than one of them in your application. They are identified by a name String. Every Actor has a context attached to it and you can create Actors from an Actor using context. When you do this, you have a hierarchy of Actors in an ActorSystem. Every created Actor from an Actor is a child from a created Actor, we call it automatic supervision. You can then choose to do Lifecycle monitoring aka death watch on child actors.

      They added automatic supervision: Now supervision is not a choice or a good practice in Akka 2.0x but a default. Please go through the documentation here, I am sure you will like it.

      Meetu Maltiar

  2. Hi Meetu,

    Is there a way to link an akka actor with another akka actor which not a child of it?
    For eg. I have created 2 actors of the same actor class and I want to link them. Is it possible to do that in akka 2.x ?


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