Validate Within a group of fields, ensure at least one is complete.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Within a group of two names, ensure at least one is complete.

Validate at least one field must be filled or both using jQuery Validation Plugin and Bootstrap.

Required pulgins

1. jQuery Validation Plugin

  • jquery.validate.min.js
  • additional-methods.js

2. Bootstrap

  • bootstrap.min.css
  • bootstrap.min.js

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Written by 

Rachel Jones is a Solutions Lead at Knoldus Inc. having more than 22 years of experience. Rachel likes to delve deeper into the field of AI(Artificial Intelligence) and deep learning. She loves challenges and motivating people, also loves to read novels by Dan Brown. Rachel has problem solving, management and leadership skills moreover, she is familiar with programming languages such as Java, Scala, C++ & Html.

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