Playing JSONP : A basic example to integrate JSONP mechanism in Play Application with the help of play-jsonp-filter module

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Playing JSONP

Basic example to integrate JSONP mechanism in Play Application with the help of play-jsonp-filter module


This filter enables JSONP on your existing API: any resource that returns a JSON content will return a JavaScript fragment if there is an additional callback parameter in the query string.

For example, if the resource /foo gives the following JSON result: {"foo": "bar"}, the resource /foo?callback=f will give the following JavaScript result: f({"foo": "bar"});.

  • Used play-jsonp-filter module to integrate JSONP mechanism
  • Embedded JS & CSS libraries with WebJars.
  • Integrating with a CSS framework (Twitter Bootstrap)
  • Bootswatch-Readable with Twitter Bootstrap to improve the look and feel of the application


The play-jsonp-filter module is distributed using Maven Central so it can be easily added as a library dependency in your Play Application’s SBT build scripts, as follows:

"org.julienrf"      %% "play-jsonp-filter"      % "1.2"


Add the filter to your Global object:

import play.api.mvc.WithFilters
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext

object Global extends WithFilters(new Jsonp)

Build Instructions

  • To run the Play Framework, you need JDK 6 or later
  • Install Typesafe Activator if you do not have it already. You can get it from here
  • Execute ./activator clean compile to build the product
  • Execute ./activator run to execute the product
  • playing-jsonp should now be accessible at localhost:9000


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