Effective way of Documentation : Markdowns and Converters

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Writing documentation from a user perspective has always been a challenging job for Developers.Markdowns allows the developers to write docs using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format.

In this blog I am going to discuss simple ways in which your markdown files can be used to cater to your website and other documentation needs.

Let us discuss how we can utilise our markdowns to design documentation for website. There are several maven plugins, we will be talking about two of these namely:

1. Maven Doxia

2. Markdown-page-generator Plugin

Maven Doxia

Going by the apache definition ‘Doxia is a content generation framework which aims to provide its users with powerful techniques for generating static and dynamic content: Doxia can be used in web-based publishing context to generate static sites, in addition to being incorporated into dynamic content generation systems like blogs, wikis and content management systems.’

Discussing Doxia in great length would take several blogs itself, so let us just discuss the functionality of using Doxia to convert markdowns to html.

Step 1: Create a Maven Project

Step 2: Add the following plugin in the pom.xml





















Step 3: Add the markdowns in following structure


Step 4: mvn site command can be used to generate the html(s) from the markdowns

Markdown-page-generator Plugin

Adding headers and footers into generated html(s) allows us to customize and style the html(s).

The default configuration of input and output directories can be easily overridden:

inputDirectory : ${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/markdown/

outputDirectory : ${project.build.directory}/html/

Let us discuss the steps to convert markdowns to html using this:

Step 1:Create a Maven project

Step 2: Add the plugin to pom.xml


















This is a simple configuration to generate html(s).



















Additional information regarding the input and output source can be added.

Step 3: run mvn install to generate the html.

Let us now discuss, how we can generate offline or book form documentation from these markdown files.

We can use Plugins like Doxia and Maven–pdf plugin to generate books from these markdown files.

Following below is a quick guide to generate pdf document from your markdowns.

Step 1: Create a Maven Project

Step 2: Add all markdown files in a folder

Step 3: Add the following plugin to your pom.xml


















Step 4: Add a file called pdf.xml. This file acts like a book descriptor. It is optional. It acts like an indexer which can be used to sequence the content in the pdf-book. Absence of this file allows the entire folder of markdowns to be written into pdf-book in no particular order as specified in the site.xml.

Step 5: Command mvn pdf:pdf is used to generate the pdf.

Please note that by default, the PDF plugin generates a PDF document which aggregates all your site documents. If you wish to generate each site document individually, you need to add following parameter -Daggregate=false in the command line.

A sample of pdf.xml is given below :

<document outputName=”demo-pdf-plugin”>


<title>PDF Plugin Demo</title>



<toc name=”Table of Contents”>

<item name=”Introduction” ref=”index.md”/>

<item name=”Usage” ref=”usage.md”/>

<item name=”FAQ” ref=”faq.md”/>




<coverSubTitle>v. ${project.version}</coverSubTitle>

<coverType>User Guide</coverType>


<companyName>Knoldus Software LLP</companyName>



There are several other plugins like markdown-pp and docbkx available which can also be used for conversion and documentation, pdf or book generation.

Happy Reading !


1. https://maven.apache.org/doxia/

2. https://github.com/walokra/markdown-page-generator-plugin

3. http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-pdf-plugin/

Written by 

Pallavi is a Software Consultant, with more than 3 years of experience. She is very dedicated, hardworking and adaptive. She is Technology agnostic and knows languages like Scala and Java. Her areas of interests include microservices, Akka, Kafka, Play, Lagom, Graphql, Couchbase etc. Her hobbies include art & craft and photography.

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