Installing and Running Presto

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Hi Folks !
In my previous blog, I had talked about Getting Introduced with Presto.
In today’s blog, I shall be talking about setting up(installing) and running presto.

The basic pre-requisites for setting up Presto are:

  • Linux or Mac OS X
  • Java 8, 64-bit
  • Python 2.4+


  1. Download the Presto Tarball from here
  2. Unpack the Tarball
  3. After unpacking you will see a directory presto-server-0.175 which we will call the installation directory.


Inside the installation directory create a directory called etc. This directory will hold the following configurations :

  1. Node Properties: environmental configuration specific to each node
  2.  JVM Config: command line options for the Java Virtual Machine
  3. Config Properties: configuration for the Presto server
  4. Catalog Properties: configuration for Connectors (data sources)
  5. Log Properties : configuring the log levels

Now we will setup the above properties one by one.

Step 1 : Setting up Node Properties

Create a file called inside the etc folder. This file will contain the configuration specific to each node. Given below is description of of the properties we need to set in this file

  • node.environment: The name of the presto environment. All the nodes in the cluster must have identical environment name.
  • This is the unique identifier for every node.
  • The path of the data directory.

Note : Presto will stores the logs and other data at the location specified in the  It is recommended to create data directory external to the installation directory, this allows easy preservation during the upgrade.

You can put the following default content


Step 2 : Setting up JVM Config

Create a file named jvm.config inside the etc folder. In the file we will specify all the options we need to configure for the launching of the JVM.

You can put the following default content


NOTE : Please keep in mind that the the format of file must be a single line per option.

Step 3 : Setting up Config Properties

Create a file named in the etc/folder.This file contains the configuration related to the server. Presto servers can double up as worker and coordinator simultaneously. Before setting up the config file let us discuss the properties in brief :

  • coordinator: If set as true it sets the node as coordinator to accept queries from clients and manage query execution. in case of only worker node this value is set to false.
  • node-scheduler.include-coordinator : enables scheduling on the coordinator. Can be set to true/false.
  • http-server.http.port : specify the port to start the presto server
  • query.max-memory : specify the maximum limit for the memory that the query will be allowed.
  • query.max-memory-per-node : specify the maximum limit for the memory that the query will be allowed on the single node.
  • discovery-server.enabled : can be Set to true/false. It is used to find all nodes in the cluster. On setting false the coordinator will run embedded version of the Discovery service.
  • discovery.uri : URI to the Discovery server.
  • query.queue-config-file : file configuration to read from in Queue Configurations

Now let us set the properties in the

If the node is a coordinator , you can use the following as default content


If the node is a worker , you can use the following as default content


For a single node doubling up as worker and coordinator, we can use below configuration as default content


Step 4 : Setting up Log Level

Create a file called in the etc folder, it is used to set the minimum log level. The only property you need to set in this file is :


This property can have the following values : DEBUG, INFO, WARN and ERROR

Step 5 : Setting up the Catalog

Presto accesses the data via connectors which are specified by means of catalogs. Catalogs are registered by creating a catalog property file for each connector.
Create a directory called catalog in etc. Inside etc/catalog directory create a catalog. For instance create catalog for jmx.
Create in etc/catalog/ and set the name of the connector like :

Once you have completed the steps 1 to 5, we can begin with running Presto.

Running Presto

Inside the presto installation directory we have a launcher script. Now presto can be run in either the daemon or as foreground process. The main difference between the two is that in the foreground mode, the server is started with logs and output is redirected to stdout/sterr.

to run as daemon use :
bin/launcher start

to run in foreground use :
bin/launcher start

Once you run the above commands , you will be able to see the presto server running on the localhost:8080 (default port) or localhost:<Port>

Screenshot from 2017-05-15 16-38-22
That’s all you need to do to start running Presto !
In my next blog I will discuss how to use presto CLI and set up presto server programatically for applications.

Happy Reading !



Written by 

Pallavi is a Software Consultant, with more than 3 years of experience. She is very dedicated, hardworking and adaptive. She is Technology agnostic and knows languages like Scala and Java. Her areas of interests include microservices, Akka, Kafka, Play, Lagom, Graphql, Couchbase etc. Her hobbies include art & craft and photography.

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