Author: Toshima Sharma

How to Perform DataDriven Testing In Cucumber?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Hello People, As we know Most commercial automated software tools on the market support some sort of Data-Driven Testing. It allows us to automatically run a test case multiple times with different input and validation values. As Cucumber is more an automated testing framework than a ready-to-use tool. It takes extra effort to support data-driven testing to automate tests. The good part is that the Cucumber inherently supports Data Driven Testing using Scenario Outline. Continue Reading

How to Handle Browser Windows and Cookies In Selenium 4?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello People, this article explains How to Handle and resize browser windows and cookies using the Selenium Webdriver. Resizing the browser window and handling cookies is important as it makes testing much easier. We can resize the browser window in Selenium Webdriver which actually helps in searching for the elements easier. In addition to this, this article also explains how to handle cookies like creating, Continue Reading

How to Integrate Cucumber With Selenium 4?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hello Testers, No doubt that Selenium is one of the fantastic tools in the field of Automation Testing, but it might seem a little hard for a non-technical person to understand its work due to the complexity of the code. To ease this task, Cucumber comes into play, which makes the complex code simple and easy to understand. But, how exactly does it do that? I will Continue Reading

What is Fluent Wait and Its Advantages In Selenium?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hello People, As you may be knowing If you want to become an expert at using Selenium Webdriver, one of the most important skills to master is the use of the Wait commands. Waits are essential for executing test scripts and help identify and resolve issues related to the time lag in web elements. This article will offer a detailed description of how testers can Continue Reading

What is Robot Class and How to use it In Selenium Webdriver?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello People, As you know Robots help in managing all the activities like performing the task within the specified time, handling the mouse functions and the keyboard functions, and many more. What is Robot Class? To perform any action on a web element, we need a locator for the element. But Windows pop-ups don’t have any locators, as they are not part of the webpage, Continue Reading

How to handle Mouse Actions In Selenium?

Reading Time: 4 minutes Hello People, Nowadays Selenium has become the industry standard for implementing custom automated tests because of which it is considered the first go-to solution for every web application. Action Class in Selenium is a built-in feature provided by the selenium for handling keyboard and mouse events. This is something very interesting part of Selenium which is performed using the advanced user interaction API in the Continue Reading