
Understanding data persistence in Lagom

Reading Time: 4 minutes When we create any microservice, or in general any service, one of the biggest task is to manage data persistence. Lagom supports various databases for doing this task. By default, Lagom uses Cassandra to persist data.

Generic Traits and Classes With Type Parameters And Variance

Reading Time: 4 minutes Variance is the correlation of subtyping relationships of complex types and the subtyping relationships of their component types. Scala supports variance annotations of the type parameters of generic traits and classes.

Diving deeper into Delta Lake

Reading Time: 6 minutes Delta Lake is an open-source storage layer that brings reliability to data lakes. It has numerous reliability features including ACID transactions, scalable metadata handling, and unified streaming and batch data processing.

Dockerizing a NodeJS app with Redis

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hi folks, in this blog I would walk you through how can we seamlessly dockerize a NodeJS app along with redis, So as we know that docker is a pretty decent way of streamlining and making the process of deployment easier, efficient and pluggable, so let’s gets started but before that, the prerequisite for the blog is a basic understanding of docker

Store Git Credentials Encrypted

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hey folks in this blog post we would be looking over how we can store our git credentials in an encrypted format over linux remote servers, let’s first quickly have a look why we want to do it and what git provide us with as options. Git credentials helpers So git provide many types of credential helpers like Store The first and most basic type Continue Reading

Say Hi! to VCS & GIT

Reading Time: 8 minutes Well, this is my first blog on IT, so go easy on me. I just started my internship as a Software consultant and witnessed the need for GIT in an actual development environment. So I went straight to google and googled it, this is what I understand and as an open source guy I want to share what I have learned so far in this Continue Reading

OpsInit: Adding a Github webhook in Jenkins Pipeline

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever tried adding GitHub webhook in Jenkins?? In this blog, I will be demonstrating the easiest way to add a webhook in our pipeline. First, let’s see what is a webhook?? The concept of a WebHook is simple. A WebHook is an HTTP callback: an HTTP POST that occurs when something happens. GitHub webhooks in Jenkins is used to trigger our build whenever Continue Reading

Akka http with json4s

Reading Time: 2 minutes Akka Http uses the spray-json library for JSON support. But a few days back while working on a project which was using the json4s library for marshalling/unmarshalling, I got stuck during parsing of JSON request and extracting that parsed values into my target Scala data model.

Git Cheat Sheet: Basics

Reading Time: 2 minutes In this blog, I have listed some of the basic commands like installing and configuring the Git. How Git works is not the focus of this post. I have piled up some commands for performing basic operations in git. 1) Install Git sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git 2) Configuring username and email of git git config –global “” git config –global Continue Reading

Do GIT Right – The 10 commandments!

Reading Time: 4 minutes In this blog post, I’ll be sharing with you the 10 commandments for doing GIT right. Let’s get to it! 1. The KISS principle – Keep It Simple Silly! Commits should be small, clear and precise. For e.g., two different bugs should have two different commits. If there is a task that requires touching multiple files, break those changes into small logical commits with neat Continue Reading

One-way & two-way streaming in a Lagom application

Reading Time: 2 minutes Now a days streaming word is a buzz word and you should have heard many types of streaming till now i.e. kafka streaming, spark streaming etc etc. But in this blog we will see a new type of streaming i.e Lagom-streaming. Lagom-streaming internally uses Akka streams, with the help of which we will see one way & two way streaming. But before going forward, it Continue Reading

A Java Lagom service which only consumes from Kafka topic (Subscriber only service)

Reading Time: 2 minutes Subscriber only service means an application which only consumes, does not produce. We have generally seen the applications which both produces and consumes data from a Kafka topic but sometimes we need to write an application which only consumes data i.e. consumes data from a 3rd party service. So in this blog I am going to explain how to write a Lagom service which only Continue Reading

Internationalization with Play Framework(2.6.x)

Reading Time: 2 minutes In this blog, I will demonstrate how your application can support different languages using Play Framework 2.6.0    What is Application/Website Internationalization ?   Application/Website Internationalization can be defined as a process of developing and designing an application that supports not only single language but also different languages so that it can be easily adapted by the users from any language, region, or geography. It ensures that the code base of your application is flexible enough Continue Reading