
Node JS Server with Express framework

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction: Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features to develop web and mobile applications. It facilitates the rapid development of Node based Web applications. Following are some of the core features of Express framework − Allows to set up middlewares to respond to HTTP Requests. Defines a routing table which is used to perform different Continue Reading

Angular Routing Guards: Understanding canActivate Guard (Part-2)

Reading Time: 7 minutes If you are trying to block some routes from loading based on some permissions or blocking a route based if not authenticated, then you can read along and at the end, you will understand about the canActivate Guard. In the series of Angular Routing Guards Part-1, we’ve learned and understood the basics of angular route guards. If you’ve no prior knowledge about Angular Route Guards, Continue Reading

Angular Routing Guards: Let’s understand Route Guards (Part-1)

Reading Time: 6 minutes If the user wants to open a certain page in a traditional server-side application, the application would first check permissions on the server and return a 403 error page. For eg., if the user didn’t have permissions then there will be no routing to the dashboard page and it will route them again to a login/register page if they were not signed up. 403 is an HTTP error code. Specifically, this Continue Reading

NGRX: State management in Angular

Reading Time: 5 minutes Do we require NGRX, state management in each Angular application? Perhaps not generally, so how would we execute state management for board richly applications in which we do require it? So, for the application state management, NGRX is one of the libraries which helps to manage it.  It is a Redux execution for Angular.  The NGRX is an incredible plan for the vast majority of Continue Reading

Monkey patching in NodeJS

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hey guys, I am back with another blog in my series of blogs on mocking in nodeJS, so if you have read my last blog, in which we looked over how we can use sinon for testing in nodeJS to effectively mock and stub behaviours, so in this blog we would look over the concept of monkey patching to make things more testable, so let’s Continue Reading

Spies and Stubs in NodeJS

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hi folks, my last two blogs we discussed about how we can use monkey-patching to test complex code logic which could be difficult to test if it is not used, along with that we also looked over how can stub or mock behaviours of our dependencies using sinon, in this blog we would be exploring more utilities provided by sinon i.e; Spies and Stubs. Spies Continue Reading

ngRx with Redux in Angular

Reading Time: 4 minutes In this blog, we will see the basic pattern of Redux and some benefits and some high-level concepts of redux and then we will discuss the brief about ngRx and its basic implementation. Redux: Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test. On top of Continue Reading

Working with Arrays using D3.js

Reading Time: 3 minutes In general, whenever we are using D3  we are using for data visualization and if we try to understand the term data visualization in depth then it is nothing but it is a result of a lot of data manipulation using Array. So before starting working with Arrays using D3.js let’s get the understanding of Arrays briefly. ARRAYS: Arrays is used to store the collection of an Continue Reading

Angular application with REST backend solution

Reading Time: 3 minutes We always need interaction between backend and frontend for creating a successful application, but it takes time to integrate backend with the frontend, while they both are working parallelly. So for those who need a fast development without waiting for the backend to create Rest backend with Mock data is a solution for this situation. We use JSON Server to make this possible and help Continue Reading

DOM Manipulation Using D3.js

Reading Time: 4 minutes D3 (Data-Driven Documents or D3.js) is a JavaScript library for visualizing data using web standards. It is an open-source JavaScript library developed by Mike Bostock to create custom interactive data visualizations in the web browser using SVG, HTML, and CSS. giving you the full capabilities of modern browsers and the freedom to design the right visual interface for your data.

New Features in Angular 7

Reading Time: 3 minutes Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for making a web application and with the release of Angular 7, it has given some more powerful features which will enhance our application. So let’s dive deep into it and explore some new features introduced in Angular 7. A New ng-compiler Angular 7 added a new compiler that is called Angular Compatibility Compiler (ngcc). The new Continue Reading

Manipulating Server returned dates at client Side in Angular

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hey Visitor, Have you ever faced an issue with the date values on your website, when the date and time returned from server doesn’t change according to the client timezone , for eg. values returned from server at US will be different for a client at India so we need to manipulate the received time according to Indian Time Zone. So recently, I encountered this Continue Reading

Fusion of Observables with Observer

Reading Time: 3 minutes RxJs is an incredible tool for reactive programming, and today we’re going to understand briefly about what Observables and observers are. OBSERVABLES Observables are wrapping around of some data source like a stream of values of any type which are typically used for asynchronous data. It is used for transfer of messages between publisher and subscriber and that message could be anything like literals, messages, Continue Reading