Spring Boot: Launch your application in Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Reading Time: 4 minutes Google Cloud Platform provides a cloud computing services that run the Spring Boot application in the cloud environment in much simpler and seamlessly manner. In this blog we will talk about Google Cloud Platform and Spring boot and how users can deploy spring boot application in App Engine Google Cloud Platform. Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Google Cloud Platform is offered by Google, is a suite Continue Reading

Streaming Kafka Messages to Google Cloud Pub/Sub

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog post i present an example that creates a pipeline to read data from a single topic/multiple topics from Apache Kafka and write data into a topic in Google Pub/Sub. The example provides code samples to implement simple yet powerful pipelines.also provides an out-of-the-box solution that you can just ” compatiable.This consicutive example is build in Apache Beam.And it can be downloaded here.So, we hope you will find this Continue Reading

Know About Google Cloud Storage And Google Cloud SQL

Reading Time: 2 minutes What is Google Cloud Storage? Google Cloud Storage is the object storage service. Google Cloud offers a storage service. It comes with a number of useful capabilities out of the box, including object versioning and fine-grained permissions (by object or bucket), which may simplify development and lower operating costs. Several services rely on Google Cloud Storage. Google Cloud Storage allows you to store any kind Continue Reading


How To Create a Custom Image Using Packer In GCP

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello Readers, We’ll see how we can create a Custom Image Using Packer In GCP in this blog. Before starting you must have to install Packer and we will use a service account to connect my google account, so make sure you have both things ready. What is Packer? Packer is a simple tool for building customized images. It is an open-source DevOps tool by Continue Reading

Spring Cloud GCP IAP Authentication and Authorization 

Reading Time: 2 minutes Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) establish a central authorization layer for applications accessed by HTTPS, so we can use an application-level access control model instead of relying on network-level firewalls. IAP policies scale across organization. We can define access policies centrally and apply them to all of applications and resources. When you assign a dedicated team to create and enforce policies, we protect project from incorrect policy Continue Reading

Spring GCP BigQuery

Reading Time: 3 minutes BigQuery is Google’s fully managed, petabyte scale, low cost analytics data warehouse. It’s Serverless, highly scalable, and cost-effective multicloud data warehouse designed for business agility. BigQuery Benefits Gain insights with real-time and predictive analytics– Query streaming data in real time and get up-to-date information on all your business processes. Predict business outcomes easily with built-in machine learning–without the need to move data. Access data and Continue Reading

BigQuery: Querying nested arrays

Reading Time: 2 minutes In a previous blog, we had seen BigQuery facilitate efficient data warehouse schema design. BigQuery supports the nested & repeated columns. We can use a combination of ARRAY and STRUCT data types to define our schema in BigQuery. It enables to denormalize data efficiently in single table. In this blog, for the same schema of sales data, we will execute a few DML operations on nested array fields. Schema In Continue Reading

BigQuery:  Efficient Data Warehouse Schema Design

Reading Time: 3 minutes Conventional data warehouses support data models based on star schema and snowflake schema. In these models, there are a number of fact tables and dimension tables. In order to minimize redundancy it is recommends to split data into multiple tables in . This is a normalization process. Normalization is the technique of eliminating the redundant data. It minimize the insertion, deletion, and update anomalies. It saves the disk Continue Reading

BigQuery: Rescue to the Conventional Data warehouse Problems

Reading Time: 4 minutes The present and future of every industry sector somehow depends on the ability to use the massive amounts of data. Use the data available to drive better product quality at a lower cost. Make favourable business decisions with data. Primarily, for decades, to store a wide variety of massive data and perform analysis on it, using Data Warehouse solutions. Traditional data warehouses designed on-premise specifically Continue Reading

gcp storage

Choosing the right GCP storage option

Reading Time: 4 minutes Overview GCP storage has a wide range of managed storage and database options in its portfolio. Knowing the characteristics of each and being able to select a suitable solution is vital as an architect during the design process. The choice of the right GCP storage solution is not simple. Making a decision on which storage solution is right for your requirements is a balance of Continue Reading

How to play with VPC Firewall and Subnets using gcloud CLI

Reading Time: 4 minutes Hello Readers! In this blog we will see how we can play with VPC Firewall and subnets using gcloud CLI in a few simple steps. Before starting this we again have some prerequisites you need to follow: You must have a GCP account for this and you must have activated your GCP cloud shell.  Let’s get started! List the VPC : The command for listing Continue Reading

Google Cloud Storage

Reading Time: 2 minutes Overview Cloud storage: Cloud storage is a cloud computing version wherein statistics is stored on far-off servers and accessed through a devoted net or personal community connection. The garage infrastructure is maintained, operated, and managed through a cloud storage carrier provider. what’s Google Cloud garage? Cloud storage is a garage provider for Google Cloud. An object is a static piece of facts that includes a file of any layout. She maintains things in packing containers known as buckets. All buckets are related to a project, and you can bring together your tasks underneath a corporation.when you create a venture, you may create buckets in Cloud garage, upload objects in your buckets, and download objects for your buckets. you can also provide permissions to make your records handy to the principals you specify, or – in certain times together with net web hosting – to be reachable to anyone on the public net.Google Cloud storage is an object garage service provided by Google Cloud. It provides very attractive out-of-the-field functions along Continue Reading

How to create Google Cloud Bucket using Google Cloud Shell

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog we will see how to create a Google Cloud Bucket using Google Cloud Shell.Also I will add some object to that bucket using cloud shell.So stay tuned till the end. What Is Object Storage? In object storage, files are simply referenc as objects and organize into buckets—logical namespaces that are able to hold one or more objects. While a bucket can have Continue Reading