

How to send Github commits and PR logs to ElasticSearch using a custom script

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hello Readers!! In this blog, we will see how we can send GitHub commits and PR logs to Elasticsearch using a custom script. Here we will use a bash script that will send GitHub logs to elasticsearch. It will create an index in elasticsearch and push there the logs. After sending logs to elasticsearch we can visualize the following github events in kibana:- 1. GitHub Continue Reading

How to get the git changelog in Jenkins

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello Readers! In this blog, we will see how we can get the changelog in Jenkins. So, basically, a changelog means a file that will contain the ordered list of changes made to a project. And when these changes will be for a git repository then it will be called git changelog. Here for getting git changelog in Jenkins, I will use a Jenkins plugin Continue Reading

How to analyze Github events using

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello Readers! In this blog, I will show you how we can analyze GitHub events using Here GitHub events can be committed details, pull requests raised to that repository, code changes your repository details, etc. is a platform for you to monitor your application. So, let’s get started!!! Step 1: Create an account in It gives you 14days free trial. Follow the Continue Reading

Simple ways to create Gitpod workspace in GitHub

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction Gitpod is an open-source Kubernetes based platform which provides a prebuilt, development environment on your browser in the form of various IDEs like VS-code, PhpStorm, and IntelliJ called workspace. Prerequisite Github Id Any browser ( preferably chrome ) Gitpod Registration To use Gitpod we need to have an id on it. It is simple to make: Go to and click on Sign Up. Continue Reading

How to install splunk universal forwarder

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello Readers! In this blog we will see how to install splunk universal forwarder. But first let us know what splunk universal forwarder is? In short, we call splunk universal forwarder, as splunk uf. It is a separate software package and is free to download where a license is not required. Steps to install: 1. First we have to download the software. Open your web browser Continue Reading

close up photo of programming of codes

Trigger a GitHub action with an HTTP Request

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hi folks in this blog we will see how we can Trigger a GitHub action with a HTTP Request using curl command.This is very quick and simple so let’s see how we can Trigger a GitHub action in few easy steps.. First lets see what is curl. Curl Curl stands for client URL. It is a command-line tool that we can easily use to transfer Continue Reading

Linting Via GitHub Actions

Reading Time: 2 minutes Before moving towords to the linting via GitHub Actions. Lets see first that what is linting and why it is important. And How we can achieve that through GitHub Actions. i.e the “Linting Via GitHub Actions” What is Linting ? It is the process of automatically checking your source code for programmatic and stylitic error. This is done by lint tool ,to whom we can Continue Reading

What is Git Stash and its use cases

Reading Time: 4 minutes Sometimes you want to switch the branches, but you are working on an incomplete part of your current project. You don’t want to make a commit of half-done work. Git stash allows you to do so. The git stash command enables you to switch branches without committing the current branch. The below figure demonstrates the properties and role of stashing concerning repository and working directory. Generally, the Continue Reading

Setting up Github-Webhook for localhost

Reading Time: 3 minutes Before starting setting up webhook lets first see what actually Github webhook is. A github webhook aims at providing realtime data to other applications whenever any set of events occur.It is also referred to as a Web Callback often. A webhook is fast because it does it right away. There are a set of instructions specified in github for whatever event you want to take Continue Reading

How To Resolve Merge Conflicts In Git Pull Request (PR)?

Reading Time: 2 minutes “How to resolve merge conflicts in Git pull request or a PR?” This question we often ask our friends and colleagues and even Google. It can also look complex and confusing especially if you are new to Git. To resolve your queries, we will talk about it in this article and cover some important questions like “What is a merge conflict?”, “When does a merge Continue Reading

Merge vs Rebase

Reading Time: 3 minutes In Git, there are two main ways to integrate changes from one branch into another: the merge and the rebase. When comparing Git rebase vs merge, both actions can be used to combine file changes from one branch to another, but there are associated benefits and drawbacks to both. In this article we will be looking about git rebase and git merge and how they differ with quick example. Continue Reading

Version Control Systems (VCS): Why so important?

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is a Version Control System (VCS)? Version Control Systems are basically a category of software tools that helps in saving and identifying the changes made in the files of computer programs, documents, or other collections of information so that it becomes easier to track those changes even after a long period of time. It becomes more interesting and useful for the developers because revisions Continue Reading

Self-hosted runners for GitHub Actions

Reading Time: 4 minutes Self-hosted runners offer more control of hardware, operating system, and software tools than GitHub-hosted runners. It provide us with ability to create custom hardware and software configuration with more processing ability to run larger jobs. Runners can be physical, virtual, in a container, on-premises, or in a cloud. In this blog, we will be adding a runner in cloud. For introduction to CI/CD using GitHub Continue Reading