
Uploading data file to MySQL 5.5 on Ubuntu

Reading Time: < 1 minute I use MySQL 5.5.28 on my laptop running Ubuntu 12.04.3. Recently, I had tried to upload a datafile thus: load data local infile ‘/home/nirmalya/GridSense/UserInfo.csv’ into table gsdemoconfig.user_core_info fields terminated by ‘,’ lines terminated by ‘\n’; Regular command, I have used it many times earlier. But, incidentally, never on this version of MySQL. MySQL came back with a stern negation: ERROR 1148 (42000): The used command is not allowed with Continue Reading

On the stuff that you don’t see in a game

Reading Time: 9 minutes Many times, when I happen to talk to prospective clients or friends from the industry about multiplayer internet-based games and the issues related to their implementations, usually their reaction is a mixture of excitement about fetching User interfaces and how engaging the games are. Other common features like being able to play on mobile devices and quick sharing of scores through Facebook and Twitter also Continue Reading