
Mocking The Right Way

Reading Time: 3 minutes Mockito is a fun way to perform unit tests, but it’s true potential can only be realised if the underlying layers are designed in such a way that there is no interaction with the internal logic of other components of the application.

Monkey patching in NodeJS

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hey guys, I am back with another blog in my series of blogs on mocking in nodeJS, so if you have read my last blog, in which we looked over how we can use sinon for testing in nodeJS to effectively mock and stub behaviours, so in this blog we would look over the concept of monkey patching to make things more testable, so let’s Continue Reading

Spies and Stubs in NodeJS

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hi folks, my last two blogs we discussed about how we can use monkey-patching to test complex code logic which could be difficult to test if it is not used, along with that we also looked over how can stub or mock behaviours of our dependencies using sinon, in this blog we would be exploring more utilities provided by sinon i.e; Spies and Stubs. Spies Continue Reading

Introduction to Appium and it’s Drivers – 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes In the previous blog we discussed different drivers which are supported by Appium. https://blog.knoldus.com/introduction-to-appium-and-its-drivers/ . In this blog we will learn about emulator, and installing GUI version of on Ubuntu. Emulator Setup An emulator is a software which uses computer resources to behave like another computer system. Using emulator we can emulate any android device on our local computer system. We can use AVD (Android Continue Reading

Nuts and Bolts Of Appium

Reading Time: 4 minutes Hello everyone, in this blog, I will be sharing some basic concept and installation process of Appium on your Linux system. In a job profile like QA you should be open to work on any kind of technology stack based on your project. You should not limit yourself to a specific skill set. In short as a QA you should be able to assure the Continue Reading

Testing Node.Js Application with Gatling

Reading Time: 2 minutes In one of our project we needed to test a node.js application, so in this blog, I’ll be discussing node.js application using Gatlingjs. Gatlingjs Gatlingjs is an npm library to run gatling from a node.js project by placing the simulation files in your project repository. Prerequisites In order to setup Gatling, your system should have JDK8 and Scala installed so following are the links to Continue Reading

Setting up cucumber and sbt in IntelliJ

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you want to look into a starter project where cucumber feature file can be run right from IntelliJ IDEA with sbt as a build tool, this blog is a perfect match.  I will put the below ingredients and complete recipe on how to write a feature file and plug it in with your implementation steps in IntelliJ IDEA. Ingredients: build.sbt First three lines may Continue Reading

Do you think your code is Perfect? Well, Think again.

Reading Time: 8 minutes “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” – Martin Fowler “I can code.” I always say to myself. But do others think the same? Is my code good enough for people to understand? Do other people think “Damn I wish I could write such code.?” –  that’s the main question I always had in Continue Reading

How to start with Vega : The web security scanner?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Vega – Web security scanner and web security testing platform. Alright, Today I have come up with an interesting topic which is Vega and this blog is inspired by the last blog I wrote on web security. Vega is nothing but a tool, we will talk more about Vega in a while but let’s first talk ‘Why Vega’. So, next when you are done with your Continue Reading

Difference between Mockito and JMockit

Reading Time: 2 minutes A Brief analysis on Mockito And Jmockit Mockito JMockit 1. We can achieve Static method/constructor mocking by the combination of Mockito with Powermock. 1. Static method/constructor can be mocked directly in JMockit. 2. The Mockito API contains several inconsistencies in the syntax used for invocations to mocked methods. In the record phase, we have calls like when(mock.mockedMethod(args))… while in the verify phase this same call Continue Reading

Test Script Execution Recording using Selenium Webdriver

Reading Time: < 1 minute Everyone has known how to take the screenshot in selenium web driver but when we ask how to take a video recording of the test script in web driver, people have no idea. So here I describe how to capture test script video in selenium web driver. When the execution time of your script is too long so you can record your script and then you Continue Reading