User Interface (UI)

Deployment with Docker in Ionic

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ionic makes it easy to build high-performance mobile and Progressive Web Apps (or PWAs) that look and feel beautiful on any platform or device. With Docker, it is easy to deploy a web application made using Ionic. Before moving on how to deploy using Docker, let’s know that What is Docker? What is Docker? Docker provides the ability to package and run an application in Continue Reading

Channels in redux-saga

Reading Time: 3 minutes What are the channels? Are they useful to us in day to day programming? We’ll be going through this blog that channels are played really a major role in redux-saga. Channels: Channels are of 3 types which are used to perform 3 different things, here I will brief you about those channels here but will explain in detail a bit later. Action Channels: Action channel Continue Reading

Micro Frontend – Ideation of Micro Services in UI

Reading Time: 2 minutes The frontend is becoming bigger and bigger by each day in web applications. The growing requirements in the frontend space make the scalability in frontend a bit difficult. The term Micro Frontend came in picture in late 2016 at ThoughtWorks Technology Radar. It extended the concept of micro-services to the frontend world. The current trend states to build a powerful and feature-rich browser-based application, in Continue Reading

Redux Saga Effects

Reading Time: 6 minutes Effects are the kind of utility that’s provided by the redux-saga package. when u invokes effects it returns object contains instructions which redux-saga interprets. The effects don’t have any special property outside the redux-saga application because it’s redux-saga that generates side effects like API call database or something else, The effect itself doesn’t actually do anything. If you don’t know how to create a Saga, Continue Reading

React Hooks: Introduction – Part 1

Reading Time: 3 minutes React hooks were introduced at React Conf October 2018 to introduce state management and side-effects in functional components. They have become a game-changer for a lot of developers. These hooks change the fundamental mindset because of switching from class-based components to functional components with hooks. In this blog post, we will get an overview of these hooks, with the look of how the same logic Continue Reading

HTML, CSS, and JS as a Framework

Reading Time: 7 minutes For beginners, the thought of designing a website from scratch can seem like a really difficult task. Let’s ease it a little bit in this blog. The online market is expanding at a good rate and for most of us, websites form part of our daily life. HTML, CSS, and JS are special web languages that work together as a framework to form the front-end Continue Reading

Tracking Pixels with Google Tag Manager

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction Hi Everyone! This is my first blog and in this, I’ll try to explain how we can use Google Tag Manager to manage and deploy tracking pixels (eg. Google Analytics) on your website without having to modify the code Tracking Pixels A tracking pixel is an HTML code snippet that is loaded when a user visits a website. It is useful for tracking user Continue Reading

How to execute Selenium script in JMeter

Reading Time: 2 minutes In this blog, we are going to discuss How to execute Selenium script in JMeter. Basically JMeter was developed to provide open source performance and load testing solution. Initially, JMeter was designed for testing web applications. Later it expands to other test functions. We can also perform functional testing using JMeter. Why it is needed:- In the current scenario, we are using much-advanced technology such Continue Reading

User Authorization using JWT – Part 1

Reading Time: 4 minutes Around all the buzz words flying in the micro-service development area, one of the hottest is JWT (JSON Web Token). We often encounter JWT in already established services or may be asked to authenticate a User using a JWT. So if you’re new to this concept, hang in tight! In this blog, I’ll try to explain what exact use-case  JWT fulfills and when you can Continue Reading

UI / UX Trends 2020

Reading Time: 7 minutes A successful application is the one that has a lasting impact on the user’s mind (UX) and creates an instant attraction to the user (UI) for getting glued. In the last article, we talked about what is UI / UX, how it got evolved and key differences between both. In this article, we are going to talk about UI / UX Trends in 2020. We Continue Reading

New features available in Angular 9

Reading Time: 4 minutes Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for making web applications. Angular community launched Angular 9 yesterday. The latest version is smaller, faster, easier to use, and has given some more powerful features which enhances our application. The major change with this release is that it switches the application to the Ivy compiler and run-time by default. This version also introduced various improved ways Continue Reading

Monkey patching in NodeJS

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hey guys, I am back with another blog in my series of blogs on mocking in nodeJS, so if you have read my last blog, in which we looked over how we can use sinon for testing in nodeJS to effectively mock and stub behaviours, so in this blog we would look over the concept of monkey patching to make things more testable, so let’s Continue Reading

Spies and Stubs in NodeJS

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hi folks, my last two blogs we discussed about how we can use monkey-patching to test complex code logic which could be difficult to test if it is not used, along with that we also looked over how can stub or mock behaviours of our dependencies using sinon, in this blog we would be exploring more utilities provided by sinon i.e; Spies and Stubs. Spies Continue Reading