User Interface (UI)

Angular Lifecycle Hooks

Reading Time: 4 minutes Every Angular component has a lifecycle. A component has a lifecycle managed by Angular itself. Angular manages creation, rendering, data-bound properties, etc. Every Angular component and Angular directive have a lifecycle and the following information can be applied to both. In this blog, we will learn more about Angular Lifecycle Hooks. What is Angular Lifecycle? Each Angularjs version goes through various phases in its lifecycle. Continue Reading

Dockerizing a NodeJS app with Redis

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hi folks, in this blog I would walk you through how can we seamlessly dockerize a NodeJS app along with redis, So as we know that docker is a pretty decent way of streamlining and making the process of deployment easier, efficient and pluggable, so let’s gets started but before that, the prerequisite for the blog is a basic understanding of docker

Drag N Drop using Angular 7

Reading Time: 4 minutes Drag and Drop is one of the new features which is provided by Angular 7. Angular 7 makes it very easy to implement this feature. So here, in this blog, we are going to learn how to drag and drop the items from a list of numbers using a basic example. Before getting started with the implementation there are some basic pre-requisites which is necessary Continue Reading

Designing Data Table in Angular Material Design

Reading Time: 3 minutes Angular Material Table provides a Material Design styled data-table that can be used to display rows of data. Tables in angular material design can be implemented by just adding the mat-table selector to your table component and passing in data. Material Table provides a lot of table data features like sorting, filtering, pagination etc which helps a user to provide a more interactive view of Continue Reading

Working with Arrays using D3.js

Reading Time: 3 minutes In general, whenever we are using D3  we are using for data visualization and if we try to understand the term data visualization in depth then it is nothing but it is a result of a lot of data manipulation using Array. So before starting working with Arrays using D3.js let’s get the understanding of Arrays briefly. ARRAYS: Arrays is used to store the collection of an Continue Reading

Angular application with REST backend solution

Reading Time: 3 minutes We always need interaction between backend and frontend for creating a successful application, but it takes time to integrate backend with the frontend, while they both are working parallelly. So for those who need a fast development without waiting for the backend to create Rest backend with Mock data is a solution for this situation. We use JSON Server to make this possible and help Continue Reading


Different types of Component Selectors in Angular

Reading Time: 2 minutes Before talking about Component Selector in Angular, let’s figure out – What is Angular? What it does? How we implement it in a project? So, here are some basics of angular to let you learn more about angular. Components are the most basic UI building block of an Angular app. An Angular app contains a tree of Angular components. Angular components are a subset of Continue Reading

Let’s Observe ReactiveX Observables

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hello! there folks. Today I am going to try to make you understand one of the most interesting and important topics inside Angular domain – The Observables. Angular 2 introduced us with observables. It uses Observables to handle async tasks, event handling and to handle multiple values. Observables are not part of angular itself neither of JS but are imported from ReactiveX library which offers Continue Reading

File Structure of Angular

Reading Time: 3 minutes Are you new in Angular and don’t know much about its file structure? Don’t worry after going through this blog I ensure that you will have enough understanding about its file structure.

Unit Testing of Angular Service with HttpClient

Reading Time: 4 minutes Services are basically used to allow your code to share the common functionality across the application. Services play a vital role in every Angular application and promote the reusability of code. And to verify that our services are working properly or not we need to test it using unit testing. First and Foremost thing we’ll do is to create the service which is to be Continue Reading

RxJS Subject and its variants

Reading Time: 3 minutes SUBJECT Subject acts as an observable and observer both which do both listen to new notifications and also send/broadcast it to any dedicated component which subscribes to it. So the first step is to import “subject” in your typescript file. import { Subject } from “rxjs/Subject”; and now quickly create a Subject with just a simple line code written below: let newSubject = new Subject(); Continue Reading

Develop Chrome Extension using Angular 7 | Part – 1

Reading Time: 3 minutes Extensions are the small software programs that are used to customize the experience of browsing. They enable the user to customize the browser’s functionality and behavior to individual needs or requirements. An extension is basically there to fulfill a single purpose that is narrow defines and easy to understand. Chrome extensions are in demand because they add features to Chrome browser to do functionalities/things easier Continue Reading

Importance of UI/UX designing in the application development

Reading Time: 4 minutes Today’s world is infused into digitalization and technology. There is a bizarre increase in mobile apps for every domain either it be social media or commuting. Everyone wants a quick and straightforward solution to their problem. They don’t want to spend too much of their time surfing websites or mobile applications. How will you maximize your user engagement in milliseconds? How could we think out of the box? What makes your app different from others? And that’s where UI/UX comes in.