How to Monitor APi’s Using API Monitoring

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Reading Time: 4 minutes


Apigee’s API Monitoring enables you to track your APIs to make sure they are up and running correctly. API Monitoring enables you to :

  • Create Alerts
  • Increase API Availability
  • Leverages Fault Codes
  • Isolate Problems to diaganose errors, performance, and latency issues.

Accessing API Monitoring

To access API Monitoring through APIGEE UI , follow the below steps :

  1. Sign into Apigee UI
  2. Switch to the organization you want to monitor
  3. Select Analyze > API Monitoring

In this Monitoring technique we’ll see how the api monitoring will be achieved on the apigee dashboard . Api monitoring would analyze the metrics based on three flows :

  • Timeline: Displays timelines of recent API traffic data.
  • Investigate: Displays tables of API traffic data, such as fault code by region.
  • Recent: Displays treemaps of data in which each proxy is represented by a rectangle, whose size is proportional to the amount of API traffic for the proxy, and whose color denotes the relative size of related metrics.

Deploying Proxy

For the analysis we’ll be using a demo api proxy . To make the demo api proxy follow the below steps :

  1. Sign into Apigee UI
  2. Select Develop > API Proxy > Create New 
  3. Select Reverse Proxy  

After That Give Proxy Details as :

  • Policies & Summary as default

Your demo proxy has been created .

This is the list of proxies I am using for this.

The API Monitoring Timeline view displays timelines of recent API traffic, to help you diagnose and investigate issues.

Now let’s see the API Monitoring of the created proxy for the Timeline .

Analysis of API using Timeline:

The various metric graphs that can be seen in Timeline are as follows :

  • Proxy Total Traffic
  • Proxy Error Rate
  • Proxy Latencies Percentile
  • Policy Latencies Percentile
  • Target Total Traffic
  • Target Error Rate
  • Target Latencies Percentile

The Timeline view displays following graphs:

  • Total Traffic: Numbers of requests during 1 minute intervals of the time range.
  • Error Rate: Total errors (4xx and 5xx) divided by the total traffic in each interval.
  • Latencies Percentile: Percentiles for API latency

NOTE : To get more information about Timeline  Use Link .

Analysis of API using Recent:

The API Monitoring Recent view displays treemaps of API traffic by proxy. The image below shows the UI with recent selected .

By default, the Recent view displays three tables:

  • Incidents by Proxy
  • Proxy Error Rate by Proxy
  • Max Proxy Latency p50 (in ms) by Proxy

NOTE : To get more information about Recent  Use Link.

Analysis of API using Investigate 

The API Monitoring Investigate view displays pivot tables of metrics and attributes for all API traffic, to help you compare activity for different metrics.

The figure below shows the UI with Investigate selected.

By default, the Investigate view displays three tables:

  • Fault Code by Time
  • Fault Code by Status Code
  • Fault Source by Proxy

Each cell in a table shows the number of responses for a subset of the data. As an example, take a look at the first two columns of the Fault Code by Time table.

Here as in the above image , you can see the number of responses (0) with fault code oauth.v2.InvalidApiKeyForGivenResource that were returned from 22:56-15:44, on the selected date.

NOTE : To get more information about Investigate Use Link .

Written by 

Deeksha Tripathi is a Software Consultant at Knoldus Inc Software. She has a keen interest toward learning new technologies. Her practice area is DevOps. When not working, she will be busy in listening music , and spending time with her family .

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