How to setup Django Development Environment

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Hello Readers!!! In this blog, we will see how to setup django development environment. But, at first we will see what is django and how we can install it. Django is a free and open-source web framework built with python and a framework is basically a collection of modules pre-written codes help with a particular task.

Steps to install and set up development environment

Step 1:Install python and pip

To install python, first we need to update the local APT repository. Open your terminal and input the below command. The -y flag answers “yes” to prompts during the upgrade process.

 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get -y upgrade

we can install Python 3 by using the below command.

sudo apt-get install python 3

To verify the successful installation of Python 3, we run a version check with the python 3 command:

python 3 -V

Now we need pip in order to install the packages from Python’s package repository.

sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip

To verify that pip was successfully installed, we run the below command:

pip3 -V

Step 2: Install virtualenv

virtualenv is a virtual environment where we can install software and Python packages in a contained development space.

To install virtualenv, we will use the below pip3 command:

pip3 install virtualenv

When it is install, we will run a version check to verify that the installation complete successfully:

virtualenv --version

Step 3: Install Django

We can install Django by using the below command

$ sudo apt install -y python3-Django

Once it is install, we will run a version check to verify that the installation complete successfully:

django-admin --version

Steps to Create a Django test Project

Step 1: Creating a Django test project

First we run the below command to create a directory called django-test-app, or another name of your choice. Then we will navigate to that directory.

mkdir django-test-app
cd django-test-app

Inside the django-test-app directory, we create our virtual environment. For e.g env and activate the virtual environment.

virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate

Step 2: Starting the Django-test-app project:

Now we can generate an application using django-admin It is a command line utility for administration tasks in Python. Then we can use the startproject command to create the project directory structure for our test website. In the django-test-apps directory, we run the below command:

django-admin startproject test1
cd test1

Step 3: Start and View your Website

Now we can start the server and view the website on a designated host and port by running the runserver command.

Now we can visit localhost::8000 and check the output.


In this blog, we saw what is django, how we can install it and how we can setup django application.

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I am reliable, hard-working with strong attention to detail and eager to learn about new technologies and business issues. I am able to work well both on my own initiative and as part of a team.

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