Insights and perspectives to keep you updated.

How to set alarms and notifications in AWS CloudWatch

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction AWS CloudWatch is just another AWS service that monitors your other AWS resources and services. You can use to collect metrics and logs in real-time and you can track the metrics. Also, you can create custom dashboards for your applications that are using AWS resources. In this blog, we will learn to set alarms and push notifications for our resource metrics. Alarms can be Continue Reading

Let’s Mindmap: Cloud Native

Reading Time: < 1 minute Cloud-Native evokes different responses from every engineer on any team. As a part of this visual presentation, we would like to get a common understanding of what is cloud-native, talk about its pillars and which applications are a good candidate for the same. With this vlog, the idea is to make a common denominator of understanding so that the team can be successful together. Happy Continue Reading


How to use Terraform variables in different ways

Reading Time: 2 minutes Introduction to Terraform variables Just like in other technologies, variables let you customize your Terraform modules and resources without altering the modules’ code. Results you do not need to hard code just for a few tweaks in your resources. Using variables is very handy when you are creating the same resources but with different configurations. For example: S3 bucket for diffrent regions EC2 instances of Continue Reading

An Introduction to Caching in Mule Soft 4

Reading Time: 5 minutes Mule runtime engine (Mule) offers customizable strategies, such as the Cache scope and the HTTP Caching API Gateway policy, to enable cache according to your needs. Let’s first have a look at caching, being followed by Cache scope: Caching: It is the process of storing frequently used data in memory, file system, or database which saves processing time and load if it would have to Continue Reading

Fundamentals of Google App Engine

Reading Time: 5 minutes The trend of building applications on the cloud is gaining traction because it offers a variety of advantages, including increased business opportunities, security, and scalability. To develop a web application, however, you would need a suitable cloud computing technology. This is where Google App Engine fits in by allowing you to build and host web applications on a fully-managed serverless platform. What is App Engine? Continue Reading

Deep Dive into Hadoop Map Reduce Part -2

Reading Time: 8 minutes Prerequisite: Hadoop Basic and understanding of Deep Dive in Hadoop Map reduce Part -1 Blog. MapReduce Tutorial: Introduction In this MapReduce Tutorial blog, I am going to introduce you to MapReduce, which is one of the core building blocks of processing in the Hadoop framework. Before moving ahead, I would suggest you to get familiar with HDFS concepts which I have covered in my previous HDFS tutorial blog. Continue Reading

Understanding Java enums

Introduction to CQRS and Event Sourcing

Reading Time: 3 minutes CQRS CQRS (Command Query REsponsibility Segregation) is a very simple pattern and not new at all. CQRS is based on the Command Query Separation (CQS) principle which was suggested by Bertrand Meyer. CQS suggest that we divide the operation on domain object into two distinct categories: Queries and Commands. The Command and Query Responsibility Segregation(CQRS) it’s an architectural Pattern Where the main focus is to Continue Reading

Google Cloud Platform Overview

Reading Time: 6 minutes As all of you might know, Cloud services can be broadly classified into three categories: IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS(Platform as a Service), and SaaS(Software as a Service).  What is GCP? GCP (Google Cloud Platform) is an offering by Google that provides IaaS and PaaS services. SaaS services are also provided by Google in the form of G Suite(Google Workspace). Both G Suite and GCP Continue Reading

Linting Via GitHub Actions

Reading Time: 2 minutes Before moving towords to the linting via GitHub Actions. Lets see first that what is linting and why it is important. And How we can achieve that through GitHub Actions. i.e the “Linting Via GitHub Actions” What is Linting ? It is the process of automatically checking your source code for programmatic and stylitic error. This is done by lint tool ,to whom we can Continue Reading

Create Network Infrastructure on AWS using Ansible Modules

Reading Time: 5 minutes Hi Readers, In previous blog we understood how to Setup AWS resource using Ansible modules. Now In this blog we will see how we can create Networking resources in aws using Ansible Modules. Before directly jumping into the practical part, let’s understand what network is and what are some basic components of a proper Networking Infrastructure. Some Basic components of Network Virtual Private Cloud A Continue Reading

What is multi-threading?How to achieve multi-threading in java?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Multi threading  is a process of executing multiple threads simultaneously.Multi threading don’t allocate separate memory area so saves memory, and context-switching between the threads takes less time than process. Multi-threading is the idea of multitasking into applications where you can distribute specific operations within a single application into individual threads. Each of the threads can run in parallel. It performs multi activities concurrently. Multi Tasking Continue Reading

close up photo of programming of codes

How to query DNS name servers – dig

Reading Time: 3 minutes Do you know that we can examine the DNS using our terminal . Lets talk about the same. dig – (Domain Information Groper) is used for such tasks. It is used to perform task like troubleshooting DNS problems. It also helps to gather DNS information and resolve the queried question from terminal. How to use dig command. Step 1 : dig command installation. Step 2: Continue Reading

data codes through eyeglasses

How to boost your CI / CD performance.

Reading Time: 3 minutes The software companies are trying to cope with this competition in delivering solutions as fast as possible.So CI/CD solutions have become a day to day practise to develop and deliver softwares with ease and flexibility. Today we will acknowledge some of the best practise that would certainly maximize performance and reliability. 1 -Environment Reset It is always a good practise to reset your environment after Continue Reading