Insights and perspectives to keep you updated.

CRUD operations in RUST

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello Readers! In this blog, we will discuss HTTP Methods(CRUD operations). REST APIs(Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface) enables you to develop all kinds of web applications having all possible CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) operations. So let’s have a basic idea of what CRUD stands for and what all HTTP methods are used in correspondence to CRUD operations. C: It stands for Create, and Continue Reading

Introduction To Apache Kafka

Reading Time: 6 minutes Introduction Apache Kafka is a framework implementation of a software bus using stream-processing . It is an open source platform, developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It is written in Scala and Java. The project aims to provide a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds. Kafka can connect to external systems (for data import/export) via Kafka Connect and provides Kafka Streams, a Java stream processing library. Apache Continue Reading

Mockito Framework: How it works

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction Mockito is a popular mocking framework that is useful to test the written code. It enables to write the essential test cases for real-world projects and applications. Unit Testing: It is a software testing technique to test the unit of a code that can be logically isolated in a system. Unit: It is referred to as an individual functionality of a program. Mocking: It is Continue Reading

Java 11 features

Reading Time: 3 minutes Oracle released Java 11 in September 2018, only 6 months after its predecessor, version 10, and java 11 Oracle JDK would no longer be free for commercial use. In this blog, we’ll explore new features of Java 11:- Open JDK After java 10 there’s no free long-term support (LTS) from Oracle. Thankfully, Oracle continues to provide Open JDK releases, which we can download and use without charge. Continue Reading


Understanding the Concept of OOP: Its Four Pillars

Reading Time: 3 minutes This blog is in the continuation of its first part where we discussed the basic part of object-oriented concepts. In this blog, we will cover four pillars in the object-oriented world of programming in Scala. OOPS Four Pillars Four pillars are basically the software design principles that help you to write clean Object-Oriented Code and these are: Abstraction Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism Let’s take a closer Continue Reading

Introduction To Browser Storage and how to persist data in browser.

Reading Time: 4 minutes Irrespective of what javascript framework or library you are working on the one thing that remains constant for all web developers is the browser, where the javascript runs. Learning about browser storage is a must for all web devs.  What is browser storage? The browser and server interact with each other. The server serves the web pages that run on the browser and the user Continue Reading

Some Important Features of Scala

Reading Time: 3 minutes Scala is a programming language that supports both functional programming and object-oriented programming. It has powerful features. Scala language is based on java language so if you are aware of java it is easy to learn Scala Features of Scala Type inference Singleton object Immutability Lazy evaluations Case classes and Pattern matching String interpolation Higher order function Trait Rich collection set Type Inference There is Continue Reading

Let’s Learn About Scala Anonymous Functions And Its Use Case

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction to Scala Anonymous Function A function that does not contain any name or a function without a name is called an anonymous function in scala. This anonymous function is also called a function literal. Inside the anonymous function, we can write our logic and define our function. We can create a very lightweight function also if we can create an inline function. Syntax The Continue Reading

Understanding About JavaFx and JavaFX Libraries

Reading Time: 7 minutes JavaFx Introduction JavaFX is a set of graphics and media packages that enables developers to design, create, test, debug, and deploy rich client applications that operate consistently across diverse platforms. To develop GUI Applications using Java programming language, the programmers rely on libraries such as Advanced Windowing Toolkit and Swing. After the advent of JavaFX, these Java programmers can now develop GUI applications effectively with rich content. Key Features:- Java Continue Reading

Getting started with Amazon pinpoint – Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes In the last article, we have discussed amazon pinpoint, benefits, services, channels, use cases, etc. You may go through the Getting started with Amazon pinpoint (Part-1). So In this article, we will discuss how we can implement a voice message sending API using amazon pinpoint with scala. We will be using Akka HTTP. It is an Akka-based HTTP library for building RESTful services. You can Continue Reading


Apache Nifi – The Ingestion tool

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is Apache NiFi ? Apache Nifi is an open source software for automating and managing the data flow between systems, which Leveraging the concept of Extract,Transform and Load. Apache Nifi a powerful as well as reliable system to process and distribute data. Additionally Apache Nifi has a web-based user interface for design, control, feedback, and monitoring of dataflows. History of Apache NiFi Based on Continue Reading

Setting up a Ubuntu chroot Environment using debootstrap tool.

Reading Time: 3 minutes Welcome to this blog. You might be aware about today’s topic but before taking deep dive into setting up environment using debootstrap tool. Let us first understand about Chroot. In Simplified terms chroot is command to change a particular directory to be the root directory. So once you’re inside this space you cannot access any directory above it. This also locks the access to any Continue Reading

Agile Testing Life Cycle Vs Software Testing Life Cycle

Reading Time: 4 minutes In this blog, we will go through the difference between the Agile testing life cycle and the test life cycle in software testing. we will see what steps are followed in the agile test life cycle and what steps are followed in the software testing life cycle. Agile testing Agile testing follows the principle of agile software development. It is a continuous process rather than Continue Reading