Insights and perspectives to keep you updated.

Get Your Hands Wet with Traits Object of Rust

Reading Time: 5 minutes “Traits are the abstract mechanism for adding functionality to Types or it tells Rust compiler about functionality a type must provide.”In this article, we will focus on Traits Objects in Rust Programming and how Dynamic Dispatch takes place.

JSON Web Token (JWT): A Complete Guide

Reading Time: 5 minutes In this blog, we are going to talk about a very powerful yet simple way to represent an user identity securely during a two-party interaction. What I mean to say, when two systems exchange data we can identify an user without having to send private credentials on every request. But how it is possible? The answer is JSON Web Token. So, we are going to Continue Reading

Akka-Http Marshalling and Unmarshalling in JAVA

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hello folks! In today’s HTTP request/response world, we may get different types of data from a client side application which we need to process and send an appropriate response. This may get a bit of a mess. To solve this, we can use the marshalling and unmarshalling feature of Akka-Http for easier conversion of theses data. In this blog, we will be looking how to Continue Reading

Encryption with PBKDF2

Reading Time: 4 minutes Passwords can be the most valuable data to an attacker because stolen passwords can provide attackers the ability to bypass most of the security perimeters that exists in the system. Since lot of people use the same password in several other systems, one system compromise can affect the security of other systems too. This is where we can use encryption as a solution for theses Continue Reading

MachineX: Welcome to TensorFlow 2.0

Reading Time: 3 minutes With the release of Tensorflow 2.0 we have taken another step towards machine dominating human dysphoria. Just kidding!!, this debate is for big people like Elon Musk, Mark Juckerberg or Jack Ma. We are just happy that Tensorflow 2.0 has been released and it will make our life a lot easier as 2.0 is being improved with consideration of freedbacks from its users. As part Continue Reading

MachineX: Image Data Augmentation Using Keras

Reading Time: 4 minutes In this blog , we will focus on Image Data Augmentation using keras and how we can implement same. Problem When we work with image classification projects, the input which a user will give can vary in many aspects like angles, zoom and stability while clicking the picture. So we should train our model to accept and make sense of almost all types of inputs. Continue Reading

Testing Code: A Case Study

Reading Time: 2 minutes Testing code is essential for finding bugs before they get into production. Without automated tests it will take longer and longer to debug code as it grows in size and complexity and development will grind to a halt. I am consulting for a company that has not made it a priority to test its code. Thus, one of our early priorities was to write unit Continue Reading

MachineX: Importance of ML/AI in Healthcare

Reading Time: 3 minutes Folks, In this blog I will going to explain the importance of ML/AI in healthcare sector.  First of all, I just want to share some statistics regarding the expenditure on healthcare by the people of different countries. Here is a list of a few BRICS and newly industrialized nations with their per capita expenditure on health. Here we can see in case of India only Continue Reading

Application Logs: Pitfalls and Insights

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction In this blog article,we aim to give reader a sense of what is the need of monitoring application logs and a methodology of how we can monitor them using an example. Lets say you have a use case where you would like to monitor important aspects of your application for e.g. temperature” as a measure” or “facet” for multiple devices emitting data for complete Continue Reading

Buddy — One-click delivery automation

Reading Time: 3 minutes Buddy is a smart CI/CD tool with awesome UI and It uses delivery pipelines to build, test and deploy software. The pipelines are created with over 100 ready-to-use actions (build Steps) that can be arranged in any way – just like you build a house of bricks.