Basics of Kotlin

Range and Iteration

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog, we are going to learn about ranges and iteration in kotlin. Imagine telling someone to count from one to five by uttering “set i equal to 1 but while keeping i less than 6, increment i and report the value.” If we had to communicate with a fellow human that way, it would have ended civilization a long time ago. Yet that’s Continue Reading

Getting Started with Kotlin

Reading Time: 2 minutes Introduction: In this blog, I am going to discuss the basics of the kotlin programming language. Kotlin is a statically, typically programmed programming language developed by JetBrains. It produces world-class IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, Appcode, etc. However, It was first introduced by JetBrains in 2011 with the new JVM language. It is an object-oriented language and a “better language” than Java. This language is Continue Reading

Kotlin : Use of Collections

Reading Time: 3 minutes Collections The Kotlin Standard Library provides a comprehensive set of tools for managing collections – groups of a variable number of items that are significant to the problem being solved and are commonly operated on. Collections are a common concept for most programming languages, usually containing a number of objects (elements,items) of the same type. The following collection types are relevant for Kotlin: List is an ordered collection Continue Reading

Kotlin Vs. Java

Reading Time: 5 minutes Kotlin vs Java: The Battle of Programming Languages Developing Android applications is a great option to drive success to your business but, picking up the best programming language is the real dilemma. For many of us, it is evident that Java is the best as it is everywhere and everyone praises it. However, after the arrival of Kotlin, this apparent belief in Java is somewhat Continue Reading

Basics of Kotlin

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hello everyone today I will discuss the basics of kotlin for example Hello world program, variables, functions, if and when, functions. So let’s do some practice and also important some theory. Hello World package intro fun main() { // from kotlin 1.3 program arguments are optional val name = “kotlin” // val for final variable println(“Hello, $name!!!!”) } Things to be noticed if we compare Continue Reading