
Make better decisions with Google Cloud Document AI

Reading Time: 3 minutes Nearly all business processes today begin, include or end with a document. Most companies are sitting on the document goldmine. Thinking of which some are PDFs, emails, customer feedback, patents, contracts, technical documents, sensitive documents, HR files and the list goes on. These documents are only going to grow with time. Making sense of each document is difficult since a lot of these documents are Continue Reading

Deploying DAML based Smart Contracts on project:DABL

Reading Time: 5 minutes DAML is an open-source language used to write distributed applications quickly,concisely and correctly. It runs on leading blockchain platforms like Hyperledger Sawtooth , fabric and Corda. It is used to build smart contracts for distributed ledgers and provide us with the ability to focus more on business workflow instead of the blockchain implementation. In our previous blogs, Building Powerful Smart Contracts, Getting started with building Continue Reading