Webmethod and its integration with server

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

What are webMethods ?

Webmethod is an integration suite. It makes integration between two heterogeneous system simple and fast. Also has many different runtime component and various Development tool. It behaves like a middle ware .It provides a good UI tool to analyze and produce the flow service.

The integrations in webmethods is totally in flow language.

Advantages of webmethods :

  • Firstly It gives a real time visibility of the enterprise wide business process.
  • Secondly It is fast and delivers improved business response.
  • The information provided is user focused.
  • Most importantly it is used to do decision making requirement.

Here are some webmethods components

  • WebMethods Integration Server
  • WebMethods Broker
  • WebMethods Adapters (such as JDBC,SAP,Blaze,SFDC)
  • CentraSite
  • Universal Messaging
  • WebMethods Designer
  • WebMethods Mediator
  • WebMethods Optimize for Infrastructure
  • WebMethods Optimize for Process

How to integrate webmethod designer with server ?

What is Webmethod designer ?

Webmethods Designer is an eclipse based IDE developmenyt tool. It is used to build , edit and test integration logic.Basically with designer we can with different servers and get the code in the in built eclipse editor.

The designer uses wm flow language to get the integration in place.

Features of webmethod designer :-

  • The designer has an extensive data transformation and mapping capabilities.
  • The above capability helps to quickly drag and drop fields from one step to another.
  • All the codes are marked as per the flow language.
  • The best feature is server integration .

How to install webmethod designer in your system ?

To download web method designer follow the below link:-

Link – https://tech.forums.softwareag.com/t/guide-to-download-and-install-webmethods-service-designer-free-download/235210

Once we download the installer from above link we will have 3 things in place:-

  • The software ag installer for designer
  • The license file
  • One folder contains the xml of all the components for designer.

Steps to install:-

1- Start the installer by running the below command


The above command is run in the same directory where the binary file of installer is.

2 – After this the installer will start and a window will appear like below.

SoftwareAg installer
  • Now in the above installer click on Advance option. Then upload the image of the designer.Most importantly the next step will be to upload the license file. After that the xml files that the above folder has.
  • After this the installation will start and the designer will be available to use.

The below image describes the next steps for uploading the designer image.

3 – In the above step upload the image zip file that we downloaded in the beginning .The file will be in the format “webMFreeDownload1011Linux.zip ” . Lastly dd this file in the above browse section and then press next.

4 – Next we need to put the path of the installation directory which should not be root directory.

Like in the above image the path ton install should be non root directory.

5 – Next step is to select the components in the webmethod that we need.

In the above select the designer as an option.This lets us integrate a designer which has an integrated eclipse and all the plugins needed to run a flow of wemethod.

Selecting the above options will let us integrate those component in the tool.

6 – Next the installer will start and set up a webmethod enterprise tool on your local to integrate with the server.

How to integrate server with Webmethod designer.

Once the installation is complete , go at the path and start the eclipse.The path is defined below:-


This webmethod folder is the on the path that we defined earlier.Further run the eclipse runner and start the IDE.

To integrate the server the below steps are to be followed in the IDE.

1 – Open the Ide

2- Click on the windows

3- Click on the prefrences

4- Select Software Ag —> Then select integration server.

Once you select integration server the below dialogue box appears

The below fields are :-

  • Name – The name of the server you want to keep in your IDE.
  • Host – The host ip
  • Port – The port on which it is running
  • User – The username ( generally Administrator)
  • Password– The password to login the server

Further once the above fields are fill , proceed and click on the verify server. Once done the server integrated and will show online.

Lastly once the server is online the code and packages of the server will be in the eclipse.

Integrated server with webmethod designer


Webmethod is highly used by enterprises as a solution for integration. Whenever there is a need of automation with integration , the companies prefer to go with webmethod.

In conclusion the above article was all about webmethod ,its installation and how to integrate server with it. It allows to have a quick integration platform and an easier flow.

Moreover webMethods.io Integration offers hundreds of web services for workflows. With the help of these ,you can create custom workflows by defining triggers and actions, and automate almost every aspect of your work life


To read more visit – https://docs.webmethods.io/integration/e2e_monitoring/introduction/#gsc.tab=0

2- https://blog.knoldus.com/category/tech-blogs/java/

Written by 

Rishivant is a enthusiastic devops learner at Knoldus. He believes in going 1% up everyday and showcases his learning in his work.

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