Back2Basics: The Magic of Implicits

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Implicit System is one of Scala’s language greatest feature with the help of which we can write concise code. The implicit system in Scala allows the compiler to adjust code using a well-defined lookup mechanism.

In this post, we will try to understand how Scala’s implicit work magically.

Scala provides an implicit keyword that can be used in two ways: method or variable definitions, and method parameter lists.

Let us define a method.

the findAnInt method will return any Int value which is passed to it. Notice that it’s parameter is implicitly defined. Marking it implicitly means that we don’t need to provide it. So, where will the compiler look for this implicit variable? If it’s left off, the compiler will look for a variable of type Int in the implicit scope, if the compiler finds the value, the method call will be executed otherwise, an error will be thrown. Let us call the defined method.

As you can see, compiler shows an error stating that it can’t find any implicit value for the parameter x which is of type Int. So, what makes compiler so unhappy that it throws an error? As the parameter of findAnInt method is implicit, so when the method is called without any parameter, the compiler will look for a value of type Int in its implicit scope, but when it does not find any value, it will throw an error.

Let us now quickly define an implicit value of type Int and then call our method.

We can clearly see that compiler was able to execute method call successfully. However, we can still provide the parameter if desired.

One can also compare implicit parameters with default parameters.

So, we have defined a method mail which accepts two parameters, one is the object of type Package, another one is default parameter of type String. We can skip providing the second parameter while calling the method mail as it is a default parameter.
But the questions is who decides what the default value is? It is decided by the author of the function and is not decided by the caller of the function.

Implicit values are the opposite of the default ones. Here, the caller of the function decides what the value is rather than the definer of the function.

We can even mix both of them according to our use case. Let us understand this with the help of an example.

In this way, we can mixin both default and implicit parameter. We have used implicit value in method speakerOne and speakerTwo, but in speakerThree we have used the default value for the parameter language. Scala does not stop us from using both of them together. It gives us the flexibility to choose according to our needs.

In the next blog, we are going to see how we can use implicit with methods and type classes. Happy reading.


  • Scala in Depth by Joshua D Suereth



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I am a Software Consultant and has experience of more than 1.5 years. I like to study and write about latest technologies.

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