Author: Rishabh Verma

Computer code on screens

Deploy Keptn in Kubernetes (K8s) using ReplicaSet

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog, Deploy Keptn in Kubernetes(K8s) using ReplicaSet, we will quickly go through the steps to deploy Keptn in Kubernetes(K8s) using Replica Set!! So lets dive in 🙂 What is Keptn? Keptn is an open source control plane to build cloud-native, industry-driven continous delivery systems. According to Dynatrace, Keptn augments any standard Kubernetes cluster to support delivery based on automated quality gates and self-healing operations Continue Reading

Digital business and technology

Deploy Keptn using Kubernetes(K8s)

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog we will quickly go through the steps to deploy Keptn with the help of replication controllers in Kubernetes !! So lets dive in 🙂 What is Keptn? Keptn is an open source control plane to build cloud-native, industry-driven continous delivery systems. According to Dynatrace, Keptn augments any standard Kubernetes cluster to support delivery based on automated quality gates and self-healing operations workflows. Continue Reading

turned on laptop computer

What is keptn, how it works and how to get started!![2022]

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Keptn project began as a way to assist enterprises in adopting cloud-native strategies for either cutting-edge microservice applications or long-standing monoliths. This ecosystem has been evolving since its inception, focusing on robust continuous delivery with automated testing, quality gates, and auto-remediation capabilities. It now has over 50. In this post, we will understand everything about this tool, including why it was built and the Continue Reading

Log4j CVE-2021-45105: All we know is WRONG!!

Reading Time: 3 minutes Apache security team disclosed a third Log4j2 vulnerability the night between Dec 17 and 18 by the Apache security team. This vulnerability is termed CVE-2021-45105. According to the security advisory, 2.16.0, which fixed the two previous vulnerabilities, is susceptible to a DoS attack caused by a Stack-Overflow in Context Lookups in the configuration file’s layout patterns. What is this CVE about? What can you do Continue Reading

Chef Overview (Best DevOps Tool 2021!!)

Reading Time: 2 minutes Overview Chef Infra is a powerful automation platform that transforms infrastructure into code. Whether you’re operating in the cloud, on-premises, or in a hybrid environment, Chef automates how infrastructure is configured, deployed, and managed across your network, no matter its size. Chef is a popular tool for configuration management of IT infrastructure. Its flagship enterprise solution, Chef, is a strong choice for experienced DevOps teams who Continue Reading

Kubernetes Architecture (All you need to know!!)

Reading Time: 3 minutes Kubernetes is an open source platform for deploying and managing containers. It provides a container runtime, container orchestration, container-centric infrastructure orchestration, self-healing mechanisms, service discovery and load balancing. It’s main applications are deployment, scaling, management, and composition of application containers across clusters of hosts. But Kubernetes is more than just a container orchestrator. It could be thought of as the operating system for cloud-native applications Continue Reading

Basic Linux Commands for Beginners

Reading Time: 8 minutes Learn basic commands for Linux, a free and open-source operating system that you can make changes to and redistribute. What is Linux? Linux is an operating system’s kernel. You might have heard of UNIX. Well, Linux is a UNIX clone. But it was actually created by Linus Torvalds from Scratch. Linux is free and open-source, that means that you can simply change anything in Linux Continue Reading