Author: Aanchal Agarwal

Swapping Two Array Elements in JavaScript

Reading Time: 3 minutes There are times when you need to swap two elements in an array in JavaScript while working with arrays. The bubble sort algorithm, for example, requires you to compare two numbers and swap them if your condition is true. This may be the algorithm question you’re working on. Apart from that, many other situations may require you to swap array elements. Here is an illustration Continue Reading

activated route

ActivatedRouteSnapshot and ActivatedstateSnapshot in Angular

Reading Time: 3 minutes The ActivatedRouteSnapshot and ActivatedstateSnapshot in Angular are used to comprehend how a component functions and is used. The ActivatedStateSnapshot is a dynamic snapshot of the current state of the route, whereas the ActivatedRouteSnapshot is a static image of the route information. In this blog, we will take a look at the ActivatedRouteSnapshot and ActivatedstateSnapshot classes in Angular. We’ll look in their functions and methods of Continue Reading

Using pug template for building node applications

Reading Time: 2 minutes Introduction In this blog, we will look how we can use pug as a templating engine for building our node application. And how we can hold the dynamic content in our HTML pages using the templating engine. Here we begin!!!  Setting up Nodejs For using the templating engine we need the node to be installed in our system and then create the package.json file in Continue Reading

Understanding and creating observable

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog, we will observe the observables by using practical implementations. So, let’s start with the understanding of the observable to the creation of the custom observable. Here we begin!!! What is an observable? Observable is basically a data source, which gets imported from the package ‘rxjs’. To understand the observable implementation, we have the observable, an observer and in between we have the Continue Reading

How to create a basic server in NodeJs

Reading Time: 2 minutes What is NodeJs? Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that is based on Chrome’s V8 engine. It is a server-side JavaScript language. It is open-source and cross-platform. It’s important to note that NodeJS is not a framework or a programming language. It’s a runtime environment for JavaScript code execution. We frequently utilize it to create back-end services such as APIs, Web Apps, and Mobile Apps. It Continue Reading

Basics of Ngrx

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog, we will understand the ngrx, state, actions, reducers and how the ngrx works. So, let’s start with the ngrx. What is Ngrx? Ngrx is a state management framework to make reactive applications in angular. It has six basic parts. Selector 2. Store 3. Reducer 4. Action 5. Component 6. Effects Ngrx state management lifecycle Component is the UI part of the application Continue Reading

Understanding Scully for Angular projects

Reading Time: 2 minutes Introduction For so many years Angular didn’t have any static site generator. But finally, here is Scully. So, in this blog, we will see what it is actually, how we can add it to our angular project and what its use. Here we begin!! What is scully? It is the best static site generator for Angular projects. It will use your application and will create Continue Reading