Author: Shivam Gupta

Zabbix installation on Amazon EC2

Reading Time: 4 minutes Zabbix is an enterprise-class open-source distributed monitoring tool. It helps in network monitoring, server monitoring, Cloud monitoring, and many more.Around 200+ integration supported. It can collect metrics from multiple sources, detect problems instantly, get alerts, and help in data visualization. More information can be checked on the introduction blog Installation Install Zabbix server, Frontend, and Database Steps for installing the Zabbix server, Frontend, and Database Continue Reading

black laptop computer turned on showing computer codes

Zabbix – An open source monitoring Tool

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction to Zabbix Zabbix is a enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring tool created by Alexei Vladishev.It is managed by Zabbix SIA. It is used for monitors multiple things like network, health of the servers, applications, services, websites, databases, clouds and many more.We can send alerts by email, slack, and other ways for any event that is happening This helps in taking a fast action.It also Continue Reading

Introduction to Kubernetes Deployment Strategies – Part 3

Reading Time: 5 minutes Kubernetes provides many deployment strategies helps in maintaining the desired state of the application. In the previous blog we have covered the overview of 4 deployment strategies in K8s: Rolling Update Recreate Canary Blue/Green You may go through the Introduction to Kubernetes Deployment Strategies (Introduction to Kubernetes Deployment Strategies – Knoldus Blogs) and another blog on the Recreate Strategy (Introduction to Kubernetes Deployment Strategies – Continue Reading

Introduction to Kubernetes Deployment Strategies – Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes Kubernetes provides many deployment strategies help in maintaining the desired state of the application. In the previous blog we have covered the overview of 4 deployment strategies in K8s: Rolling Update Recreate Canary Blue/Green You may go through the Introduction to Kubernetes Deployment Strategies (Introduction to Kubernetes Deployment Strategies – Knoldus Blogs). So, In this Blog, we will discuss the recreate strategy in detail. Recreate Continue Reading


Introduction to Kubernetes Deployment Strategies

Reading Time: 3 minutes Kubernetes provides Deployment resource which tells the Kubernetes the desired state for the application.Deployment are declarative, which means that they have what to achieve not how to achieve. To achieve this desired state, under the hood deployment uses ReplicaSets, which further maintains the required sets of the pods. Update in Deployments Using deployment we can achieve the desired state of an application in K8s Cluster, Continue Reading

Companion Object in Scala

Reading Time: 4 minutes Companion Object is a singleton object of a class sharing same name and same source file.The class is called a Companion Class.For instance, we have a class name Person in Person.scala and an singleton object Person in the same file: In this file the object Person is a companion object and class Person is a companion class. Benefits of Companion Object Companion Objects in Scala gives many benefits.First, companion object and class can access each Continue Reading

Webhook – An Interesting way to commune between applications

Reading Time: 5 minutes In this we are going to talk about a way or method to communicate between apps over the web which is gaining popularity nowadays. As we know, Polling is one of the ways by which we can communicate between apps to share information. There is also another way by which we can communicate i.e., WEBHOOK. Webhooks are automated messages or information that an app sends to Continue Reading

Type Inference : An helpful feature of Scala

Reading Time: 4 minutes Scala comes with very interesting features. One such feature is Type Inference. Type Inference is a very powerful feature of Scala as it helps the developer to develop fast and efficiently. The Scala compiler can often automatically infer the type of an expression (everything in Scala is an expression). This helps the developer write the code without worrying about mentioning the types which are often known Continue Reading