lang="en-US"> An alternate way to implement JOINs in MongoDB [Update] - Knoldus Blogs
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An alternate way to implement JOINs in MongoDB [Update]

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I have updated this blog . As last description was creating some misunderstanding and lot of confusion .

In one of my project , there was a requirement to generate report in .csv format from MongoDB without using any reporting tool and any language .
I had to use only MongoDB query .
In that report , I had to use multiple collection . Since there was not a well structured DB schema .
We are using MongoDB , which is non -relational database . Despite of this fact , there were related collections .

As we know MongoDB is a no-SQL database and doesn’t support joins. But I found an alternate to implement JOINs in MongoDb using Map Reduce.

For Versions below Mongo 2.4:-

Let’s go with a small example :
We have two collections Employee and Department . We have to fetch details of all employees with their department .

1) Create Employee and Department collection .

2) Create a Map . This is a JavaScript function which emits key and value pair and processes for each input document .

3) Create Reduce . This is a JavaScript function which accepts two arguments Key and Value .

4) MongoDB provides mapReduce commmand for Map Reduce operation .

5) ’emp_dept’ is new resulted collection where result will be stored . The Result will be :

For Version Mongo 2.4:-

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