Author: Himani Arora

Introduction to database migrations using Flyway

Reading Time: 3 minutes Let us first understand why are database migrations necessary? Assume that we have a project called Shiny and it’s primary deliverable is a piece of software called Shiny Soft that connects to a database called Shiny DB. We not only have to deal with one copy of our environment, but with several. So the simplest view of our problem will translate to:

Introduction to Actor Model [Akka in a Nutshell #1]

Reading Time: 3 minutes According to Akka documentation, ” An actor is a container for State, Behavior, a Mailbox, Child Actors and a Supervisor Strategy. “ Let us begin by understanding the need of an Actor Model, A lot of things have changed in the present scenario. The processes are getting more coarse, This means in order to execute our programs faster we need to use multiple cores which Continue Reading

Introduction to Kafka Connect

Reading Time: < 1 minute Knoldus organized a half an hour session on 29 July 2016 at 4:00 PM. It covers a brief introduction to Apache Kafka Connect, giving insights about the benefits of kafka connect, its use cases. It also covers the motivation behind building Kafka Connect and an introduction to its architecture. Here is the video for the same.

Introduction to Julia

Reading Time: 2 minutes Introduction to Julia- What is Julia ? “Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments. ” It provides a sophisticated compiler and extensive mathematical function library. It has a wide range of statistical packages like R and is easy to write and learn like Python. Benchmark time of Julia relative Continue Reading