Author: Mohd Uzair

MySql connection with Spring boot using JPA

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction Spring Boot is a popular Java-based framework that provides a rapid development environment for building web applications. One of the most important components of any web application is a database. In this blog, we will discuss how to establish an SQL connection in Spring Boot with JPA. SQL Connection with Spring Boot Spring Boot provides support for the Java Persistence API (JPA), which is Continue Reading

a man and a woman using their laptop in a bar

Flux and Mono in Reactive Programming

Reading Time: 3 minutes Reactive Programming Reactive programming is a popular paradigm for developing applications that handle asynchronous data streams. It offers a powerful and concise way to handle complex data flows with ease. Two important concepts in reactive programming are Flux and Mono, which are part of the Reactor library developed by Pivotal. Flux Flux is a type that represents a stream of data that emits zero or Continue Reading

Smart Searching Through Trillion of Research Papers with Apache Spark ML

Features of Liquibase

Reading Time: 3 minutes With Liquibase, you can specify the database modification you desire using SQL or a number of other database-independent forms, such as XML, YAML, and JSON. It is incredibly simple for developers to submit updates to many database types by abstracting the database logic. How does Liquibase work? The changeLog file is how Liquibase functions most frequently. One or more changeSets are contained in this text Continue Reading

Introduction to APIs

Reading Time: 4 minutes The device that turns a website’s data into something a computer can understand is an API. Similar to how a person may access and modify data by loading pages and submitting forms, a machine can view and edit data through it. Making data easy to deal with is beneficial since it allows programmers to automate laborious and time-consuming operations. Through an API, a computer may Continue Reading

Protocols and Backpressure in Spring WebFlux

Reading Time: 3 minutes The WebSocket Protocol Never blocking is one of the main suggestions for dealing with data streams. A client using data from a stream should never block the thread because it does not own it. Putting them in a buffer will stop them from being released. However, buffers have a finite capacity, can overflow, and can lose data. The client should be able to regulate how Continue Reading

Features of Spring Webflux

Reading Time: 3 minutes Parallel to Spring MVC, Spring WebFlux fully supports non-blocking reactive streams. It utilizes Netty as an internal server to run reactive applications, and it supports the back pressure notion. If you are comfortable with the Spring MVC programming model, working with webflux will be simple for you. Project Reactor serves as the reactive library for Spring WebFlux. All of Reactor’s operators support non-blocking back pressure Continue Reading

Exchange, Components, and Endpoints in Apache Camel

Reading Time: 4 minutes What is Exchange? A Message is part of an Exchange, which is a larger Camel object. In the Camel documentation, the term Exchange is frequently used. An Exchange is a communication or conversation that is currently occurring within your Camel route. At the commencement of a journey, an Exchange is formed (from your first step). As a message goes through the steps of the route, Continue Reading

Routes in Apache Camel

Reading Time: 3 minutes Camel Context routes are configuration items that are applied to the context. In reality, this involves defining a route in code first, then attaching it to a Camel Context. Camel, although being a Java framework, may be customized using either Java or XML syntax. The syntax you employ is referred to as a DSL (Domain Specific Language) in Camel jargon. • Java DSL – for Continue Reading

Introduction to Apache Camel

Reading Time: 4 minutes In this blog, we are going to learn an introduction to Apache Camel. It is an integration library for Java. It provides a set of Java APIs which help you integrate and process data between different computer systems. In other words, Camel is like the glue between different applications You can think of Camel as a plumbing toolkit for your data. Camel can take data Continue Reading

Range and Iteration

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog, we are going to learn about ranges and iteration in kotlin. Imagine telling someone to count from one to five by uttering “set i equal to 1 but while keeping i less than 6, increment i and report the value.” If we had to communicate with a fellow human that way, it would have ended civilization a long time ago. Yet that’s Continue Reading

String Templates and Multiline Strings in Kotlin

Reading Time: 3 minutes String Templates In programs, we often create strings with embedded values of expressions. Concatenating values to create strings using the + operator makes the code verbose and hard to maintain. String templates solve that problem by providing an elegant solution. Within a double-quoted string, the $ symbol can prefix any variable to turn that into an expression. If the expression is more complex than a Continue Reading

Working with Big Data and Hadoop in PDI

Reading Time: 4 minutes Big Data in Pentaho The term big data applies to very large, complex, and dynamic datasets that need to be stored and managed over a long time. To derive benefits from big data you need the ability to access, process, and analyze data as it is being created. The size and structure of big data make it very inefficient to maintain and process it using Continue Reading

Introduction to Kafka

Reading Time: 5 minutes Apache Kafka is a software platform that is based on a distributed streaming process. It is a publish-subscribe messaging system that lets exchanging of data between applications, servers, and processors as well. Apache Kafka was originally developed by LinkedIn, and later it was donated to the Apache Software Foundation. Apache Kafka has resolved the lethargic trouble of data communication between a sender and a receiver. Architecture Continue Reading