
woman coding on computer

Creating HTTP Client service for React-Redux app

Reading Time: 4 minutes Unlike Angular, React does not have a standard library for making HTTP requests, and also there is no standard way of organizing all the HTTP call functions. So in this blog, I will share a way of creating an HTTP client service using the good old “fetch()” API method for a Standard React-Redux web app. This is what I have used and it worked great Continue Reading

Reconciliation in React

Reading Time: 3 minutes Reconciliation in react is a process in which it provides a declarative API that keeps you away from the worry of what is changing on every update. When a component’s state changes, React has to verify whether they want to update the DOM or not? In this process, it creates a Virtual DOM and comparing it with the current DOM. In this context, the Virtual DOM will contain the Continue Reading

Channels in redux-saga

Reading Time: 3 minutes What are the channels? Are they useful to us in day to day programming? We’ll be going through this blog that channels are played really a major role in redux-saga. Channels: Channels are of 3 types which are used to perform 3 different things, here I will brief you about those channels here but will explain in detail a bit later. Action Channels: Action channel Continue Reading