
What’s new in selenium 4

Reading Time: 5 minutes Selenium has been in the market for the past many years and has been dominating its competitors. This blog will show us the new feature in Selenium 4 and how we can utilize them in our code. Firstly, let’s have a look at the architecture of both Selenium 3 & Selenium 4 and see what are the differences between them. Architecture: Selenium 3 Vs. Selenium Continue Reading

JMeter: Controllers and Timers

Reading Time: 4 minutes Logical Controller in JMeter : It helps us to control the flow, the order of processing of samplers in a thread. It can also change the order of requests coming from their child elements. Types of Logical Controller : Simple Controller: It is just a container that contains user request. 2. Loop Controller: It provides functionality to run user requests a specific number of times. Continue Reading

Waits in Selenium from scratch

Reading Time: 6 minutes Hi folks, Initially, In this blog we will learn about what and why part of selenium waits, then we will briefly see all the types of selenium waits. At the end of this blog, we will discuss why we should not consider the Thread.sleep() method for best practices. It has been proven that selenium is a good framework for automation testing. Automation testing has accelerated  Continue Reading

Problems In Appium Tool Installation With Ubuntu

Reading Time: 4 minutes In this blog, we try to solve the Problems which generally people face during the Appium tool Installation with the ubuntu(Linux-based) operating system. Appium tool is an open-source, cross-platform automation testing tool, and therefore we use the Appium tool in testing native applications, mobile-web applications, and hybrid applications using a web driver. The Appium server is a script in Node.js and Appium tool is also Continue Reading

Testing Spring Embedded Kafka consumer and producer

Reading Time: 2 minutes This blog I’m talking about the Kafka testing without physical installation of Kafka services or docker container.For testing, I’m going to use another Spring library that is called spring-kafka-test. It provides much functionality to ease our job in the testing process and takes care of Kafka consumer or a producer works as expected. Maven Test Dependencies application.yml props file These are the minimum configuration for Continue Reading

Apache Kafka for beginners

Reading Time: 4 minutes Introduction One of the biggest challenges associated with big data is, analyzing the data. But before we get to that part, the data has to be first collected, and also for a system to process impeccably it should be able to grasp and make the data available to users. This is where Apache Kafka comes in handy. Let’s briefly understand how Kafka came into existence? Continue Reading

Data-Driven Testing using Json

Reading Time: 2 minutes In this blog, we will learn how to read data from JSON File and use them in our data-driven testing using Json framework. What is Data-Driven Testing? Data-driven testing is a test automation framework which stores data in a table or Excel sheet The input data for testing, we can stored in data sources like  XLS, XLSX, XML or in JSON files. Here we will Continue Reading

Test Automation Report with Allure and TestNG

Reading Time: 3 minutes It is time to deliver a test report to all the stakeholders who are interested in the quality of the application. After the completion of tests, report should be generated. The test automation report should be as clear as possible so that to be understood by everyone. So this blog will help you to have a Test Automation Report with Allure and TestNG. What is Allure Continue Reading

Reading Excel Data using Fillo API in Selenium

Reading Time: 4 minutes Reading or writing data is one of the most commonly used operations, either fetching values from database tables or fetching values from an excel sheet. it’s will help you to have a Reading Excel Data using Fillo API in Selenium. Fillo API Fillo is a Java API that is used for fetching data from Excel Files. It’s an open source API(created by Codoid) and it’s Continue Reading

Jenkins Integration: Selenium Grid

Reading Time: 4 minutes Selenium Grid is a tool that we can use for testing, automating web applications, and run them on remote machines. We can run our tests to integrate them with CI/CD tools such as Jenkins. In this blog, we will see Jenkins Integration with Selenium Grid. Why is Jenkins integration required? Test automation helps us with continuous defects, errors, and bugs as early as possible. If Continue Reading

Reading data from excel file – Cypress

Reading Time: 4 minutes Hi folks, In this blog, we will try to learn how to use excel file in cypress, so that we can have a data-driven framework with it. So, without much ado, let’s get started. Approach In cypress, we already have a defined folder structure for placing data files in the project. We mainly have fixtures integration plugins support node_module in our project. Out of these Continue Reading

What is Cypress?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Hi folks, In this blog, we will try to learn about cypress, its architecture and its working. Hence, without much ado, lets get going. Cypress – what is it? Web testing has become one of the crucial parts of modern software delivery practices. As a result, this has increased the demand for stable web test automation tool. There are a number of open-source automation tools Continue Reading

Uploading & Downloading files in Selenium using AutoIT

Reading Time: 3 minutes It will help you to have a Setup the AutoIT tool in window machine and also help to Uploading & Downloading files in Selenium using AutoIT in window GUI. Prerequisites Java as the programming language AutoIT as the automation tool Maven as the build tool WebDriver as the browser automation tool IntelliJ as the IDE What is AutoIt? AutoIt is a scripting language implemented for windows GUI automation. Using the Continue Reading