Employee-Self-Service – Building Reactive Play application with Anorm SQL data access – (Part-2)

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last week, We have created a simple Employee-Self-Service  application using Play Framework and Anorm SQL data access , which has CRUD facility.

Now we have added more features, i.e.

  • Handling asynchronous results with time-outs facility thus application is now reactive (Async + Non-Blocking)
  • Play and Scala-based template engine implementation.
  • Bootswatch-Yeti with Twitter Bootstrap 3.1.1 to improve the look and feel of the application

Application screens:

1. Employee List screenEmployee-Self-Service.clipular

2. Edit employee screenEmployee-Self-Service.clipular (1)

3. Add employee screenEmployee-Self-Service.clipular (2)

Check the application and the code base on bellow links:

This is the second edition of this application since we started last week . If you have any changes then feel free to send in pull requests and we would do the merges 🙂 Stay tuned.

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