lang="en-US"> FunHop: Working with Exceptions in Scala - Problem Statement - Knoldus Blogs
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FunHop: Working with Exceptions in Scala – Problem Statement

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you look at the earlier posts in the FunHop series, you would notice that Exceptions are side effects. Exceptions by their very nature also break referential transparency and are context dependent. You would have got an idea about referential transparency from our earlier post. If not, it might be a good idea to review it once.

Let us consider the code sequence below

What would happen when we call this method with fetchEmployeeName(-1) ?

It would throw the exception “Exception in thread “main” java.lang.Exception: Employee not found”

Now, let us apply Referential Transparency to the above code. The new avatar of the code becomes

What would be the output of fetchEmployeeName(-1) now? It would be “John”

Clearly exceptions are not referentially transparent. They are also context dependent. As you would notice in the above example, changing the context of the exception and bringing it inside the try block, changes the behavior of the logic.

Looking further, exceptions are also not Typesafe. Say for example if you look at the following piece of code

The caller of this code, would in no way know that this code block could throw an exception. It would always assume that it would get back an Int value. In this way the Java Checked Exceptions were slightly better that the caller would know that it has to deal with an exception. Or at least it would know that there could be a scenario in which exception can be thrown.

So what is the option that we have?

One option is to define a Sentinel Value. It is a value which is returned when an error occurs so that the caller can take corrective action on the basis of that. So the code would become something like this

Now how is this one better?

In this case, the caller of the method would always know that it is going to get back an Int, now matter what. It would never get back an exception. When it gets a “0” then it has to do some special handling. This has its own set of drawbacks. It results in boiler plate code on the caller side. Everytime, it would have to do some special handling. Also, it is not always possible to have a Sentinal Value. For example if we change our code to be polymorphic then what would you like to give as the value. Hence, our code becomes

This would not compile since we do not know what is the kind of A. All we know is that it is a numeric.

In the next post, we would look at how to handle exceptions better than the way we are handling them now.

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