How to create Windows Instance using AWS

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Hello Everyone ! Today we will learn, How to create windows instance using AWS, an EC2 instance using our AWS account. Although we have seen how we can create Linux instance from the AWS account.

So, basically there are few steps through which you can launch your instance within few minutes.

Step 1:

Go to the AWS web site and Login into your AWS account.

You can simply login as a root user also.

Step 2.1:

Go to the EC2 page, where you can create an new Instance.

Step 2.2:

 In AWS -> Service -> Create new instance(Launch Instance)

Select (Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Base – ami-0c645579c7f157046 , free tier eligible)

AWS now asks you to pick an instance type. Note that instances differ in the number of virtual CPUs (vCPU), memory, available storage, and network performance. This example’s needs are meagre, so pick the default free-tier t2.micro instance (note the names change sometimes; pick the free one). Click the Next Configure Instance Details button.

Step 3: Set-Up

Configure Instance Details 

Step 4 :

Add Storage 

Now, click Add Storage. Storage is disk space. You have the option of straight General Purpose (SSD), Provisioned IOPS (SSD), or Magnetic. Because the General Purpose storage is eligible for the free tier, pick that.

Step 5 :

Add Tags 

Tags are just key-value pairs associated with the instance. You can use them for whatever. At my work, we use them for cost centers and management. There are even scripts that automatically shut down instances if people leave them on.

Step 6:

 Configure Security Group-> Type (select as per your requirement)

Step 7:

Create the key pair or choose from the existing from the system.

Then, check the running state of the newly create instance.

Step 8:

After launching the new instance go to the CONNECT-> RDP client

Download the “remote desktop file” and get password , using “.pem” file.

Step 9:

 After download "window-instance.rdp".

Open the Remmina.

What is Remmina?

One of Remmina’s many features is a RDP client in the connection manager with many options to get you connected just how you want.

Then, follow the given points:

  1. Select the “+” icon and fill the details.
  2. Server: ip_address(public of windows_instance)
  3. User name: Administrator
  4. User password: “from the downloaded in Step 8 by pem file”
  5. Domain: ip_address(public of windows_instance)

Now , you can use your newly created instance image of Windows in your Ubuntu machine.

References :

Written by 

VIkas Vashisth is a Software Consultant and having experience in DevOps. He loves to know about new technology.

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