lang="en-US"> KnolX: Introduction to Apache Spark 2.0 - Knoldus Blogs
Knoldus Blogs

KnolX: Introduction to Apache Spark 2.0

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Knoldus organized a KnolX session on Friday, 23 September 2016. In that one hour session we got an introduction of Apache Spark 2.0 and its API(s).

Spark 2.0 is a major release of Apache Spark. This release has brought many changes to API(s) and libraries of Spark. So in this KnolX, we looked at some improvements that were made in Spark 2.0. Also, in this KnolX we got an introduction to some new features in Spark 2.0 like SparkSession API and Structured Streaming.

The slides for the session are as follows:


Below is the Youtube video for the session.



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