lang="en-US"> ScalaTraits One Day Kickstart Play and Scala Event, ScalaGeek's meetup - Knoldus Blogs
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ScalaTraits One Day Kickstart Play and Scala Event, ScalaGeek’s meetup

Reading Time: 2 minutes

ScalaTraits, a Scala Users Group initiative run by Knoldus and Typesafe in the New Delhi NCR region ran its third meet-up to a huge success in central Delhi. There were 20+ Scala enthusiasts who spent the day writing Scala and Play code on their laptops and finally deployed it on Heroku. It was a fun-filled event with a superb location and excellent food (Ok, my taste buds are a bit dumb, but I was told that people really enjoyed the food). We got some valuable feedback as well on how we can make the event better and also how to involve university folks as well so that they get a taste of Scala.

My introduction presentation is embedded below. It shows how Scala is growing and why it would be an excellent idea to spend time learning Scala.

The event also coincided with the launch of learning and testing portal, which ended up with over 50 tests in the first 3 days of launch and 300+ tests completed till date.

Here are a few more more moments from the event.


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