basics of iot

IoT(Internet of Things) using JAVA

Reading Time: 4 minutes Introduction Internet of Things is an innovative and revolutionary technology that helps people live and work smarter, other than home automation. IoT is really helpful in the areas of business. It helps companies to automate processes and reduce labor costs. A simple definition of IoT(Internet of Things) is providing the “Internet as a common platform where multiple devices can connect and communicate with each other”. Continue Reading

Scala – IOT : First basic IOT application using Scala on RaspberryPi

Reading Time: 5 minutes Let’s start our journey for making the first IoT application to make world a better place 😉 (I would never miss a chance to mock Hooli ! 😉 ) In this blog finally the two technologies SCALA and IOT  will meet and we will be doing these many things in this blog: Setting up the scala sbt environment on RaspberryPi Developing your first IOT application Continue Reading