Compute Engine

Fundamentals of Google Compute Engine – Part 2

Reading Time: 4 minutes This part of the series Fundamentals of Google Compute Engine will cover how to create and manage the lifecycle of virtual machine instances from the Google Cloud Console. In case you haven’t been following the blog yet, here is the link to the first part. Prerequisites A Google account with billing enabled. (If it’s your first time you can set it up with any credit/debit card with international transaction enabled and you’ll receive free credits Continue Reading

Fundamentals of Google Compute Engine – Part 1

Reading Time: 6 minutes Have you ever wondered where applications are deployed in the cloud? In the cloud, applications run on virtual servers, just as they do on physical servers in a company’s data center. In this blog, we will discuss how Google Compute Engine, one of the top products available at Google Cloud Platform, helps us to provision and manage virtual machines. Before taking a deep dive into Compute Continue Reading