
Event Sourcing with KALIX

Reading Time: 6 minutes As we all know, Event Sourcing is a practical approach to design a service that reliably/atomically updates the database and transmits messages/events. But before I tell you how to do it with KALIX, let me give you a little overview of KALIX. Kalix Introduction Kalix is a considerable improvement over the existing serverless model in terms of abstraction of complexity. As it provides a unifying Continue Reading

Lagom Zero Hour: CQRS Concepts

Reading Time: 4 minutes In this blog, we will discuss CQRS and how it is different from old approaches. CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. The approach that individuals use for interacting with a data system is to treat it as a CRUD datastore. By this, I mean that we have a mental model of some record structure. We think about producing new records, scanning records, updating existing records, Continue Reading