event sourcing

Introduction to EventStoreDB

Reading Time: 5 minutes Introduction In this article, we will discuss the database for Event Sourcing i.e. EventStoreDB. EventStoreDB is a database for storing data as a series of events and being able to rebuild the current state of these events. It’s an approach to building applications by focusing on storing the state changes that occur. Projections are a feature that allows you to react to changes in the Continue Reading

Introduction to Event Sourcing

Reading Time: 3 minutes Event sourcing is a way to store data as events in an append-only log. It only keeps the latest version of the entity state. This method stores the state of a database object as a sequence of events. It is essentially a new event each time the object changed state, from the beginning of the object’s existence. An event can be anything that is generated Continue Reading

Hacker using computer, smartphone and coding to steal password and private data. Screen with code

Kafka Vs Axon: Can we compare?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Introduction This is a commonly asked question what is the exact difference between the working of Axon and Kafka, at what place we are good to use Kafka, and at what place we are good to use the Axon framework, and how their combination works efficiently.This blog will wrap up most of the misunderstood points on these topics.Since we know very well from our previous Continue Reading

Creative team planning application and developing template layout, framework for mobilephone.

Axon Framework: A quick introduction

Reading Time: 3 minutes AXON is an Open-Source Framework for event-driven microservices and domain-driven design. It is a Java Framework that provides developers with access to repositories, implementations of key components including aggregates, commands, and events, and implementations of the CQRS architectural pattern. Architecture principles such as Domain Driven Design and CQRS underpin the framework. So what’s the requirement for Axon or the need for axon? CQRS is fundamentally Continue Reading

Event Sourcing CQRS using Axon

Reading Time: 4 minutes Event Sourcing and CQRS are two of the original patterns for data management in a Microservices architecture. In this Blog, we understand the various data management patterns for microservices. What is Event Sourcing? At the high-level, Event Sourcing act like storing the state of the application in the form of domain events. I have also used a working example for Event Sourcing using Axon and Spring Continue Reading

person holding pen pointing at graph

Axon Framework: Event Sourcing with MongoDB

Reading Time: 4 minutes If you want to build Microservices, You may prefer Axon, a Java-based framework. It provides utility to implement CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation), Event Sourcing, and DDD (Domain Driven Design) architectural patterns while developing a software application. Axon facilitates the implementation of Command Handling, Event Routing, Event Sourcing, Snapshotting, and many more building blocks. It has very friendly APIs to use these implementations and build Continue Reading

A Brief Introduction to Axon Framework

Reading Time: 3 minutes Need for Axon Framework Axon Framework is designed to support developers in applying the CQRS/DDD architectural pattern and Event Sourcing. It helps developers build easily scalable and maintainable applications by providing implementations of some basic building blocks, such as Aggregates, repositories, and event buses  Axon Framework, founded by Allard Buijze also working for Trifork, is an open source product with version 3 planned for Q1 2016. CQRS Example Using Continue Reading

Event Sourced Entity in Kalix

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is an event sourced entity? Before understanding event sourced entity, let’s first understand a few terminologies: Entity – An entity is any singular, identifiable and separate object. Command – Command is an instruction which a user gives to a computer or a program to perform a specific task. State –  The state of a program is its condition regarding stored inputs. The term “state” is similarly Continue Reading

Concepts of CQRS

Reading Time: 3 minutes In the previous blog, we have learnt what Event Sourcing is. Moving forward, we will dive into the concepts of CQRS, understanding its meaning, why is it required and its advantages. CQRS Pattern CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. As the name suggests, we split the application in two parts: Command-Side and Query-Side. Now one will ask what this command and query means? Okay, Continue Reading

Introduction to Event Sourcing

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever come across the terms Event Sourcing and CQRS? This blog is a good start to gain basic knowledge about the two. Here, we will learn what is Event Sourcing? And what are the benefits of having an event sourced application? CQRS will be covered in the next blog. What is Event Sourcing? Event sourcing is the practice of capturing all changes as Continue Reading


Reading Time: 5 minutes Are you finding it difficult to understand lagom persistence? Don’t worry because help is right here. In this blog, we will learn about lagom persistence with the help of a simple application and also discuss its theoretical aspects. Before we begin, make sure you know about Event Sourcing and CQRS. You can read about it in details from this link . Choosing a database When Continue Reading

Lagom Framework: The Legacy WordCount Example

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is Lagom? Lagom is an open source micro-service framework, built with Akka message-driven runtime and Play web framework and finally light bend service orchestration. Mixing all these technologies abstracts away the complexities of building, running, and managing microservice architectures. Lagom is a Swedish word meaning “just the right amount”. Often, when people talk about microservices, they focus on the micro part of the name, Continue Reading

Building Microservices Architecture Based Enterprise Applications in Java Using Lagom – Part I

Reading Time: 5 minutes As we know, now days, most of the enterprise applications design as a “Microservices Architecture” because of scalability, sharding, loosely-coupling and many others reasons are there. On the other hand  JavaEE help us for building an Enterprise Applications. As we know, Java help us for building a good applications, but with JavaEE monolithic approach our applications are not scalable as compare to microservices. That’s why, Continue Reading