Finatra Rest APi

REST-APIs Implementation tool: Finatra

Reading Time: 3 minutes Finatra is an open-source project by Twitter that can be used to build REST APIs in Scala programming language. Finatra builds on top of Twitter’s Scala stack — twitter-server, finagle, and twitter-util. Twitter-server   defines a template from which servers at Twitter are built. It provides common application components such as an administrative HTTP server, tracing, stats, etc. These features are wired in correctly for Continue Reading

Finatra : Building Rest APIs Made Simple

Reading Time: 4 minutes Finatra is an open-source project by Twitter that can be used to build REST APIs in Scala programming language. Finatra is a framework for easily building API services on top of  Twitter-server, Finagle, and Twitter-util. Finagle: It provides the building blocks for most of the code we write on the JVM. It has long-served as our extensible, protocol-agnostic, highly-scalable RPC framework Twitter Server:It provides elegant integration Continue Reading