
Knolx: Deep dive into Sass

Reading Time: < 1 minute Knoldus Organized a session on Sass Sass is a scripting language that is interpreted into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). SassScript is the scripting language itself. Sass consists of two syntaxes. The original syntax, called “the indented syntax”, uses a syntax similar to Haml. Checkout the slides of the session: Stay tuned  !!

Templating in NodeJs with simple signup example with MongoDB

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog we will see the comparison of different NodeJs templating engines as well as we will go through the basics of NodeJs then we will create a signup application in NodeJs with MongoDB as backend. If you are starting with NodeJs from this blog post, you are right place, when i started NodeJs previous week and tried some examples i got into the Continue Reading