optimization techniques

Programmers working on computer program

Apache Spark Best Practices and Performance Tuning

Reading Time: 2 minutes We all know that Apache spark is a Big data processing engine that works on the model of in-memory computation. When we are dealing with extensive data even if we are able to reduce the use of even 1 MB of memory per minute it will result in thousands of dollars per month. Hence it becomes essential to learn the spark best practices and optimization Continue Reading

Web Application Optimization: Cases, Tips, Tricks & Tools

Reading Time: 4 minutes Website Optimization or Conversion Optimization has always been the need and core requirement for any web application and for every organization. Conversion rate optimization is the process of finding and eliminating the roadblocks and confusion on your website that keep website visitors from achieving their goals. Think the speed of your website doesn’t matter? Think again. A 1-second delay in page load time yields: 11% Continue Reading