reactive application

Mocha Reports Generation with Cypress

Reading Time: 3 minutes In our previous blogs, we have already talked about the introduction of cypress, how to install cypress, writing our first test with cypress, and so on. This blog is all about Mocha Reports Generation with cypress.In every project as a QA, we may encounter many situations where we need to create QA metrics or the test case execution report and share it with our client Continue Reading

Getting Started With Akka Http Cache

Reading Time: 3 minutes To build a rest point application, there are many options available like Akka Http, Finagle, Play Framework, Lagom etc. In our project, we are using Akka HTTP for building rest applications. We have lots of requests related to analytics. There are many requests which are very expensive. So, we faced an issue where our application was taking time to respond to some analytics. We have Continue Reading