
Introduction to Routing with Apache Camel

Reading Time: 4 minutes Introduction One of the main features of Apache Camel is routing. Routing occurs in many parts of daily life. For Example, When we send a letter to someone, it can go through various cities or states before reaching to its final destination. And similar to this is the case of sending an email. An Email goes through various networks before reaching its receiver. In Apache Continue Reading

Angular Routing Guards: Understanding canActivate Guard (Part-2)

Reading Time: 7 minutes If you are trying to block some routes from loading based on some permissions or blocking a route based if not authenticated, then you can read along and at the end, you will understand about the canActivate Guard. In the series of Angular Routing Guards Part-1, we’ve learned and understood the basics of angular route guards. If you’ve no prior knowledge about Angular Route Guards, Continue Reading

Angular Routing Guards: Let’s understand Route Guards (Part-1)

Reading Time: 6 minutes If the user wants to open a certain page in a traditional server-side application, the application would first check permissions on the server and return a 403 error page. For eg., if the user didn’t have permissions then there will be no routing to the dashboard page and it will route them again to a login/register page if they were not signed up. 403 is an HTTP error code. Specifically, this Continue Reading

Lazy-Loading Feature Modules In Angular

Reading Time: 6 minutes Before starting the lazy-loading feature module of angular, first, let’s understand what a module is? So, a module is a way to group components, pipes, and services, etc., all together that are related to each other. Module set is group together to form an application. One component can use the data of other modules. Angular Modules: In angular, this feature is defined by NgModule. Every Continue Reading

Routing in Angular 9

Reading Time: 7 minutes Angular is a fully-featured framework that helps in creating single-page applications(SPA). In the SPA the whole page is not reloaded every time, only the view is changed. So when the application is loaded for the first time, all the pages from the server will be not be rendered. It’s the only index.html that loads when the application is loaded. The basic aim of this blog Continue Reading

Routing DSL in Akka HTTP

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog we’ll be discussing about the Routing DSl provided by Akka HTTP High level Server Side API. Akka HTTP provides a very flexible “Routing DSL” for elegantly defining RESTful web services. It picks up where the low-level API leaves off and offers much of the higher level functionality of typical web servers or frameworks, like deconstruction of URIs, content negotiation or static content serving. Continue Reading