
Using MongoDB in Scala with Salat

Reading Time: 2 minutes In our last post, we had seen how easily we could access MongoDB with the Casbah driver. In this post, we would have a sneak peak at Salat. Salat is a bidirectional, serialization library which helps us work with MongoDB’s DBObject. To quicly get started with Salat, you would need to include the following dependency in your Build.scala We would also need the dependency for Continue Reading

Getting Started with MongoDB using Scala

Reading Time: 3 minutes MongoDB is a document oriented NoSQL database which has gained tremendous popularity on account of its performance and scalability characteristics. It positions itself in the sweet spot near RDBMS which provide depth of functionality and memcache for scalability and performance characteristics. In this post, we would look at connecting with MongoDB running on the local system with a Scala client. To install MongoDB, follow the Continue Reading