
Introduction to Akka Actors and Child Actors

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction In this blog, I will be explaining the basics of Akka, actors, and the way they are created. Therefore, I am naming this blog “Introduction to Akka Actors and Child Actors”. So let’s start with Akka first. What is Akka? Akka is not a framework but a toolkit and we use Akka for building distributed, highly concurrent, and fault-tolerant applications on the JVM, therefore Continue Reading

Beginners Level: Akka Typed API

Reading Time: 3 minutes In this blog, I will be explaining Akka Typed API. This is going to be my first blog on Akka Typed, so let us name it “Beginner Level: Akka Typed API“. Here, I will be telling you the reason for preferring Akka typed over untyped. Along with that, I will also be demonstrating some implementations with Akka Typed. Now before heading towards Akka Typed API, Continue Reading