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Testing in Lagom(Advanced Testing Scenarios)

Reading Time: 7 minutes

What’s the problem?  Testcases in Lagom.

So, You want to write better unit and integration test cases then You have got read this blog.  Alright, Let’s see what it takes to test your code in Lagom. In this blog I will be taking up different scenarios and try to explain How to write test cases for that particular scenario.

Testing in Lagom

Testing in Lagom is not a rocket science. However, It is a little different the way we test our code in Scala and Java. We will be using Junit framework(recommended by Lagom) and along with this we will be using lagom’s default testkit dependency. In order to test a service in Lagom we will basically be starting up a fake server which will make calls to our services and produce the result so that we could assert it against the expected result. Also, with fake server you have a flexibility to use embedded cassandra and cluster. You can set embedded cassandra to true whenever you need it, similarly clustering can also be set to true

For example your code needs cassandra the you will say withCassandra(true), bydefault it is false. We will see this in detail when we will cover all the scenarios which require cassandra to be true.

Alright, So Let’s get started

  1. Basic Junit Test

Writing a basic Junit test-case is very easy.


  1. Add Junit maven dependency
publicvoidtestSum() {
inta = 1+ 1;
assertEquals(2, a);

2. Lagom Service Unit Test

Writing a Lagom Service Unit Test-case is very ease, All you need to do is to run a test-server in @BeforeClass and then tear down that server in @AfterClass


1.Add maven dependency for writing lagom service testcases in POM.XML

Maven Dependency


Sample Test-Case

Lagom Service Unit Test
publicclassWelcomeServiceTest {
privatestaticServiceTest.TestServer server;


publicstaticvoidsetUp() {

server = startServer(defaultSetup().withCassandra(false));



publicstaticvoidtearDown() {

        if(server != null) {
            server = null;
    publicvoidshouldWelcome() throwsException {
        WelcomeService welcomeService = server.client(WelcomeService.class);
        String actualResult = welcomeService.welcome().invoke().
                toCompletableFuture().get(20, SECONDS);
        String expectedResult = "Welcome to MyService!";
        assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);

3. Lagom Stream Test-Case


Stream Test-Case
publicclassEchoServiceTest {
    publicvoidshouldEchoStream() throwsException {
        withServer(defaultSetup().withCassandra(true), server -> {
            EchoService service = server.client(EchoService.class);
            // Use a source that never terminates (concat Source.maybe) so we
            // don't close the upstream, which would close the downstream
            Source<String, NotUsed> input =
                    Source.from(Arrays.asList("msg1", "msg2", "msg3"))
            Source<String, NotUsed> output = service.echo().invoke(input)
                    .toCompletableFuture().get(20, SECONDS);
            Probe probe = output.runWith(TestSink.probe(server.system()),

4. Service Stub Test

In this test case, We will be writing a test-case wherein we will be stubbing a service into another service for writing a unit test. Prerequisites 1. In order to to write the unit test for the above scenario, We will stub another service in our service Sample Test File

Service Stub Test
publicclassServiceStubTest {
    staticclassWelcomeStub implementsWelcomeService {
        publicServiceCall<NotUsed, String> welcome() {
            returnname -> completedFuture("Welcome to "+ "XYZ International "+ "!");
    privatestaticServiceTest.TestServer server;
    privatestaticServiceTest.Setup setup = defaultSetup().withCassandra(true)
            .withConfigureBuilder(b -> b.overrides
    publicstaticvoidsetUp() {
        server = startServer(setup);
    publicstaticvoidtearDown() {
        if(server != null) {
            server = null;
    publicvoidshouldSayWelcome() throwsException {
        HelloService helloService = server.client(HelloService.class);
       String actualResult = helloService.sayWelcome("Bob").invoke().toCompletableFuture().
               get(20, SECONDS);
       String expectedResult = "Welcome to XYZ International !, Bob";
        assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);



5. Dependency Stub Test-Case(Cassandra Unit Test)

In this scenario we basically have a service which is interacting with Cassandra to persist the data. So, to write the unit -test we will stub the service.


1.Stub the service for which the test cases are being written.

Sample Test File

publicclassDependencyWithStubTest {
    Does not need Cassandra
    A Sample Stub to test a Service Dependancy
    This need to be bound to Real Service Class as follows
    Setup setup = defaultSetup()
                     .withConfigureBuilder(b -> b.overrides(  bind(UserService.class).to(UserStub.class)));
    This service does not start Cassandra, and also not use local cassandra.
    staticclassUserStub implementsUserService {
        publicServiceCall<NotUsed, Object> getUser(String id) {
            User user = User.builder().id("1001").name("James").age(27).build();
            returnreq -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture(user);
        publicServiceCall<NotUsed, Object> deleteUser(String id) {
            Map<String, String> response = newHashMap<>();
            response.put("success", "User successfully deleted");
            returnreq -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture(response);
        publicServiceCall<User, Object> newUser() {
            Map<String, String> response = newHashMap<>();
            response.put("success", "User successfully created");
            returnreq -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture(response);
        publicServiceCall<User, Object> updateUser(String id) {
            Map<String, String> response = newHashMap<>();
            response.put("success", "User successfully updated");
            returnrequest -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture(response);
    privatestaticTestServer server;
    privatestaticUserService userService;
    privatestaticSetup setup = defaultSetup().withCassandra(false)
            .withConfigureBuilder(b -> b.overrides(bind(UserService.class).to(UserStub.class)));
    publicstaticvoidsetUp() {
        server = startServer(setup);
         userService = server.client(UserService.class);
    publicstaticvoidtearDown() {
        if(server != null) {
            server = null;
    publicvoidshouldGetUser() throwsException {
        UserService userService = server.client(UserService.class);
        Object actualResult = userService.getUser("1").invoke().
                toCompletableFuture().get(20, SECONDS);
        User expectedResult = User.builder().id("1001").name("James").age(27).build();
        assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
    publicvoidshouldDeleteUser() throwsException {
        Map<String, String> expectedResult = newHashMap<>();
        expectedResult.put("success", "User successfully deleted");
        assertEquals(expectedResult, userService.deleteUser("1").invoke().
                toCompletableFuture().get(20, SECONDS));
    publicvoidshouldUpdateUser() throwsException {
        Map<String, String> expectedResult = newHashMap<>();
        expectedResult.put("success", "User successfully updated");
        User user = User.builder().id("1001").name("James").age(27).build();
        assertEquals(expectedResult, userService.updateUser("1").invoke(user).
                toCompletableFuture().get(20, SECONDS));
    publicvoidshouldCreateUser() throwsException {
        Map<String, String> expectedResult = newHashMap<>();
        expectedResult.put("success", "User successfully created");
        User user = User.builder().id("1001").name("James").age(27).build();
        assertEquals(expectedResult, userService.newUser().invoke(user).
                toCompletableFuture().get(20, SECONDS));

6. PersistentEntityWithEmbeddedCassandraTest(Cassandra Integration Test)

In this scenario we are basically testing the service with embedded Cassandra wherein instead of stubbing the service embedded Cassandra will be up and direct calls will be made to embedded Cassandra.


1. Embedded Cassandra should be true in @BeforeClass i.e withCassandra(true)

publicclassPersistentEntityWithEmbeddedCassandraTest {
    privatestaticTestServer server;
    ObjectMapper mapper = newObjectMapper();
    Config conf = ConfigFactory.load("user.conf");
    ConfigObject user1obj = conf.getObject("default.bootstrap.user1");
    String user1String = user1obj.render(ConfigRenderOptions.concise());
    User bootStrapUser1 = mapper.readValue(user1String, User.class);
ConfigObject user2obj = conf.getObject("default.bootstrap.user2");
    String user2String = user2obj.render(ConfigRenderOptions.concise());
    User bootStrapUser2 = mapper.readValue(user2String, User.class);
    ConfigObject user3obj = conf.getObject("default.create.user");
    String user3String = user3obj.render(ConfigRenderOptions.concise());
    User user = mapper.readValue(user3String, User.class);
    ConfigObject user4obj = conf.getObject("default.update.user");
    String user4String = user4obj.render(ConfigRenderOptions.concise());
    User updatedUser = mapper.readValue(user4String, User.class);
    publicPersistentEntityWithEmbeddedCassandraTest() throwsIOException {
    publicstaticvoidsetUp() throwsException {
        server = startServer(defaultSetup().withCassandra(true));
        //Get the DataStax's Cassandra Session Obj
        CassandraSession cassandraSession = server.injector().instanceOf(CassandraSession.class);
        Session session = cassandraSession.underlying().toCompletableFuture().get(20, SECONDS);
        persistentEntityWithEmbeddedCassandraTest = newPersistentEntityWithEmbeddedCassandraTest();
        //Create the required schema.
        //Add some fake data for testing purpose.



publicvoidshouldNotReturnUserInfo() throwsException {

        UserService userService = server.client(UserService.class);
        Object actualResult = userService.getUser("1000").invoke().
                toCompletableFuture().get(20, SECONDS);
        Map<String, String> expectedResult = newHashMap<>();
        expectedResult.put("error", "User was not found with this id");
        assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);

publicvoidshouldReturnUserInfo() throwsException {

        UserService userService = server.client(UserService.class);
        Object actualResult = userService.getUser("1").invoke().
                toCompletableFuture().get(20, SECONDS);
        Map<String, String> expectedResult = newLinkedHashMap<>();
        expectedResult.put("id", "1");
        expectedResult.put("name", "Alice");
        expectedResult.put("age", "25");
        assertEquals(expectedResult.toString(), actualResult.toString());



publicvoidshouldDeleteUserInfo() throwsException {

        UserService userService = server.client(UserService.class);
        Map<String, String> expectedResult = newHashMap<>();
        expectedResult.put("success", "User successfully deleted");
        assertEquals(expectedResult, userService.deleteUser("2").invoke().
                toCompletableFuture().get(20, SECONDS));
    publicvoidshouldCreateUserInfo() throwsException {
        UserService userService = server.client(UserService.class);
        Map<String, String> expectedResult = newHashMap<>();
        User user = User.builder().id("1001").name("James").age(27).build();
        expectedResult.put("success", "User successfully created");
        assertEquals(expectedResult, userService.newUser().invoke(user).
                toCompletableFuture().get(20, SECONDS));
    publicvoidshouldUpdateUserInfo() throwsException {
        UserService userService = server.client(UserService.class);
        Map<String, String> expectedResult = newHashMap<>();
        expectedResult.put("success", "User successfully updated");
        User updatedUser = User.builder().id("10").name("Test").age(27).build();
        assertEquals(expectedResult, userService.updateUser("10").invoke(updatedUser).
                toCompletableFuture().get(20, SECONDS));
    publicstaticvoidtearDown() throwsInterruptedException {
        if(server != null) {
            server = null;

privatestaticvoidcreateSchema(Session session) {

        session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS user WITH replication = "+
                "{'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '1'}");
        //CREATE users Table If it doesn't exist
        session.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users(id text primary key,"+
                "name text,age int)");


privatestaticvoidpopulateData(Session session) {
        session.execute(String.format("insert into users(id,name,age) values('%s','%s',%d)"
                , "1", "Alice", 25));
        session.execute(String.format("insert into users(id,name,age) values('%s','%s',%d)"
                , "2", "Bob", 30));
        session.execute("insert into users(id,name,age) values('10','Foo',30)");



7. Stub Method Test

In this scenario we are basically testing the service which makes call to the method of some other Class within the same Micro-Service, So In this case we will basically mock the method of that class.



  1. Add jMockit maven dependency


Sample Test File

publicvoidshouldGiveWelcomeMessage() throwsException {
    withServer(defaultSetup().withCassandra(true), server -> {
        newMockUp() {
            publicString getWelcomeMessage() {
                return"XYZ International";
        WelcomeService service = server.client(WelcomeService.class);
        String actualResult = service.welcome().invoke().toCompletableFuture().get(20, SECONDS);
        String expectedResult = "Welcome to XYZ International!";
        assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);

8. Entity Test

In this scenario we will basically be testing the Persistent Entities using the Actor System

Sample Test File

publicclassUserEntityTest { 

privatestaticActorSystem system;


publicstaticvoidsetup() {

        system = ActorSystem.create();


publicstaticvoidteardown() {

        system = null;
    publicvoidtestAddNewUser() {
        PersistentEntityTestDriver<UserCommand, UserEvent, UserState> driver =
                newPersistentEntityTestDriver<>(system, newUserEntity(), "1001");
        User user = User.builder().id("1001").name("James").age(27).build();
        Outcome<UserEvent, UserState> outcome =;
        assertThat(, is(equalTo(UserCreated.builder().user(user).entityId("1001").build())));
        assertThat(, is(equalTo(1)));
        assertThat(outcome.state().getUser().get(), is(equalTo(user)));
        assertThat(outcome.getReplies().get(0), is(equalTo(Done.getInstance())));
        assertThat(outcome.issues().isEmpty(), is(true));
    publicvoidtestUpdateUser() {
        PersistentEntityTestDriver<UserCommand, UserEvent, UserState> driver =
                newPersistentEntityTestDriver<>(system, newUserEntity(), "1001");
        User user = User.builder().id("1001").name("James").age(27).build();;
        User updateUser = User.builder().id("1001").name("Testing").age(27).build();
        Outcome<UserEvent, UserState> outcome =;
        assertThat(, is(equalTo(UserEvent.UserUpdated.builder().user(updateUser).entityId("1001").build())));
        assertThat(, is(equalTo(1)));
        assertThat(outcome.state().getUser().get(), is(equalTo(updateUser)));
        assertThat(outcome.getReplies().get(0), is(equalTo(Done.getInstance())));
        assertThat(outcome.issues().isEmpty(), is(true));


    publicvoidtestDeleteUser() {
        PersistentEntityTestDriver<UserCommand, UserEvent, UserState> driver =
                newPersistentEntityTestDriver<>(system, newUserEntity(), "1001");
        User user = User.builder().id("1001").name("James").age(27).build();;
        Outcome<UserEvent, UserState> outcome =;
        assertThat(, is(equalTo(UserDeleted.builder().user(user).entityId("1001").build())));
        assertThat(, is(equalTo(1)));
        assertThat(outcome.state().getUser(), is(equalTo(Optional.empty())));
        assertThat(outcome.getReplies().get(0), is(equalTo(Done.getInstance())));
        assertThat(outcome.issues().size(), is(equalTo(0)));


    publicvoidtestUserCurrentState() {
        PersistentEntityTestDriver<UserCommand, UserEvent, UserState> driver =
                newPersistentEntityTestDriver<>(system, newUserEntity(), "1001");
        User user = User.builder().id("1001").name("James").age(27).build();
        Outcome<UserEvent, UserState> outcome1 =;
        assertThat(, is(equalTo(UserCreated.builder().user(user).entityId("1001").build())));
        assertThat(outcome1.state().getUser().get(), is(equalTo(user)));
        User updateUser = User.builder().id("1001").name("Testing").age(27).build();
        Outcome<UserEvent, UserState> outcome2 =;
        assertThat(outcome2.state().getUser().get(), is(equalTo(updateUser)));
        Outcome<UserEvent, UserState> outcome3 =;
        assertThat(outcome3.state().getUser(), is(equalTo(Optional.empty())));

9. Kafka Publish Test

In this scenario we are basically testing the Kafka producer which is basically putting some data into the Kafka Topic.

Sample Test File

publicvoidshouldEmitGreetingsMessageWhenHelloEntityEmitsEnEvent() {
    withServer(defaultSetup().withCassandra(true), server -> {
        HelloService client = server.client(HelloService.class);
        Source<GreetingMessage, ?> source =
        // use akka stream testkit
        TestSubscriber.Probe probe =
                        TestSink.probe(server.system()), server.materializer()
                toCompletableFuture().get(10, SECONDS);
        FiniteDuration finiteDuration = newFiniteDuration(20, SECONDS);
        GreetingMessage actual = probe.request(1).expectNext(finiteDuration);
        assertEquals(newGreetingMessage("message"), actual);

10. Kafka Subscriber Test

In this scenario we are basically testing the Kafka Subscriber which is consuming data from one of the Kafka Topic.

Sample Test File

publicclassBrokerEventConsumerTest {
    privatestaticfinalServiceTest.Setup setup = defaultSetup()
            .withCassandra(true) // no need for cluster or cassandra
            .configureBuilder(b ->
                    b.overrides(   // create a fake module, so I'm not starting all the service
                            bind(HelloService.class).to(HelloStub.class) // override the clients provided by lagom with my stubs
    publicstaticvoidbeforeAll() {
        testServer = ServiceTest.startServer(setup);
    publicstaticvoidafterAll() {
        if(testServer != null) {
            testServer = null;
    privatestaticServiceTest.TestServer testServer;
    privatestaticProducerStub messageProducerStub;
    publicvoidshouldReceiveMessagesFromUpstream() throwsException {
        // (1)
        GreetingMessage message = newGreetingMessage("Hi there!");
        HelloService client = testServer.client(HelloService.class);
        Done actualResult = client.useGreeting("1").invoke(message).toCompletableFuture().get(3, SECONDS);
        // (4) send a message in the topic
        Done expectedResult = Done.getInstance();
        assertEquals(expectedResult, actualResult);
        // use a service client instance to interact with the service
    // each test would use a ProducerStub or the other or both
    // ------------------
    // --- Stubbing ---
    // ------------------
    // --- my stubby module only starts exactly what I need for the test
    publicstaticclassHelloStub implementsHelloService {
        publicHelloStub(ProducerStubFactory topicFactory) {
            messageProducerStub = topicFactory.producer(GREETINGS_TOPIC);
        publicTopic greetingsTopic() {
            returnmessageProducerStub.topic();  // this is the only relevant bit of the service stub
        publicServiceCall<NotUsed, String> hello(String id) {
            returnname -> completedFuture("Welcome to Excalibur!");
        publicServiceCall<NotUsed, String> health() {
            returnrequest -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture("Health of HelloWorld service is up...");
        publicServiceCall<GreetingMessage, Done> useGreeting(String id) {
            returnrequest -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Done.getInstance());
        publicServiceCall<NotUsed, String> sayWelcome(String name) {
            returnrequest -> CompletableFuture.
                    completedFuture("Welcome service is being consumed inside Hello service!");

11. Consuming External Service (Integration Test)

In this scenario, We will be writing integration test for the service which is consuming external web service. In this case we will be making direct calls to the external service via Lagom Micro-Service. While the external web service is up and running so that direct calls can be made to check the functionality end to end.


1.External Web Service should be up and running

Sample Test File 

publicclassExternalWebServiceTest {
    privatestaticServiceTest.TestServer server;
    publicstaticvoidsetUp() {
        server = startServer(defaultSetup().withCassandra(true));
    publicstaticvoidtearDown() {
        if(server != null) {
            server = null;
    publicvoidshouldHitExternalAPI() throwsException {
        ExternalWebService externalWebService = server.client(ExternalWebService.class);
        /*The method posts is making direct calls to external web service*/
ExternalAPIJSON actualResult = externalWebService.posts().invoke().
        toCompletableFuture().get(20, SECONDS);
       ExternalAPIJSON expectedResult = newExternalAPIJSON("two","value");

That was all from testing in Lagom. I hope, you have seen all the major scenarios we have in Lagom framework.

If you find any challenge, Do let me know in the comments.
If you enjoyed this post, I’d be very grateful if you’d help it spread.Keep smiling, Keep coding!

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