
Introduction to Resilience4j Circuit Breaker

Reading Time: 5 minutes In a microservice architecture, There are multiple services connecting threw each other and there is always the possibility that the other service being called is unavailable or unable to respond. So, what can we do then? Here resilience4j circuit breaker comes into the picture INTRODUCTION Resilience is essential for any system that needs to function effectively, and the resilience4j Circuit Breaker is no exception. The Continue Reading

Spring WebFlux — WebClient

Reading Time: 3 minutes Overview This Blog will see how we could use Spring WebFlux WebClient for making non-blocking HTTP requests. What Is the WebClient? Just put, the WebClient class which provides a common method for sending or receiving data from any local, intranet, or Internet resource which is identified by a URI. The WebClient class uses the WebRequest class which provides the access to resources. It is an interface that stands for Continue Reading

Use-Cases of Apache HttpClient

Reading Time: 9 minutes This is Part 2 of an ongoing series of blogs explaining the use cases of Apache HttpClient(Part-1). This blog is going to take you a step ahead and help you know more about the various use cases such as Authentication, Connection Pooling, Cookie Management, GZIP Compression, Multithreading, Content-Encoding, Redirection, and Retries 1. Authentication It’s important to use secure connections (HTTPS) when sending sensitive information over Continue Reading

MySql connection with Spring boot using JPA

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction Spring Boot is a popular Java-based framework that provides a rapid development environment for building web applications. One of the most important components of any web application is a database. In this blog, we will discuss how to establish an SQL connection in Spring Boot with JPA. SQL Connection with Spring Boot Spring Boot provides support for the Java Persistence API (JPA), which is Continue Reading

person encoding in laptop

Functional programming

Reading Time: 7 minutes Functional programming helps to solve problems in an easier way. Unlike other programming paradigms, such as imperative programming, functional programming focuses on what needs to be done rather than how it should be done. Functional programming also relies on higher-order functions, which are functions that take other functions as arguments or return functions as results. This allows for the composition of functions, which can simplify code Continue Reading

woman using a computer

Reactive Programming in Java

Reading Time: 4 minutes Reactive programming is a programming paradigm that focuses on asynchronous and event-driven programming. Reactive programming is designed to handle streams of data and events, and it has become popular in recent years due to the rise of modern web applications and the need for real-time data processing. Java, being a popular language for enterprise applications, has several libraries and frameworks that support reactive programming. In Continue Reading

man in yellow crew neck t shirt using vr headset

Peeling Back the Layers: Exploring Onion Architecture

Reading Time: 4 minutes Introduction Software architecture is an essential aspect of any software development project. It defines the structure of the software system and helps in achieving the desired qualities of the system. There are several software architecture patterns, and one of them is the Onion Architecture. In this blog, we will discuss Onion Architecture in detail. What is Onion Architecture? Onion Architecture is a software architecture pattern Continue Reading

person encoding in laptop

Resilience4J: Introduction to Bulkhead

Reading Time: 4 minutes Resilience4J is an open-source library that provides different resilience patterns for building resilient applications. Bulkhead is one of the patterns provided by Resilience4J to prevent the cascading failure of an application by limiting the resources used by a failed component. In this blog, we will discuss in detail what it is and how Resilience4J implements it. What is a Bulkhead? It is a physical barrier Continue Reading

woman sitting in front laptop

Reactive Programming with Java

Reading Time: 4 minutes Introduction Reactive programming is an emerging programming paradigm that has gained immense popularity in recent years. It is a programming model that focuses on building asynchronous, non-blocking, and event-driven applications. Reactive programming is all about building responsive, resilient, and scalable applications that can handle a large number of concurrent users. Java is a popular programming language that has been used to build various types of Continue Reading

a man and a woman using their laptop in a bar

Flux and Mono in Reactive Programming

Reading Time: 3 minutes Reactive Programming Reactive programming is a popular paradigm for developing applications that handle asynchronous data streams. It offers a powerful and concise way to handle complex data flows with ease. Two important concepts in reactive programming are Flux and Mono, which are part of the Reactor library developed by Pivotal. Flux Flux is a type that represents a stream of data that emits zero or Continue Reading

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Finagle – Load Balancing

Reading Time: 2 minutes Finagle is a powerful RPC (Remote Procedure Call) system developed by Twitter that provides a way to build scalable and resilient services. It is used by some of the largest internet companies in the world to build their backend infrastructure. One of the critical components of any distributed system is load balancing. Load balancing refers to the process of distributing incoming requests across a group Continue Reading

people using laptops while sitting on chair

Finagle: Server and Client

Reading Time: 2 minutes Finagle is a powerful network framework that provides developers with the tools they need to build highly scalable and fault-tolerant distributed systems. At the core of Finagle’s architecture are the server and client components, which work together to enable reliable communication between different services. Finagle Server The Finagle server component provides the infrastructure for building scalable, fault-tolerant network services. A Finagle server is built using Continue Reading

man holding white teacup in front of gray laptop

Deep dive into Spring Reactive WebClient

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction Spring Reactive WebClient is a non-blocking, reactive HTTP client that can be used to consume RESTful web services. It provides an easy-to-use and efficient way to communicate with remote APIs, allowing you to perform asynchronous and reactive programming. In this blog, we will discuss how Spring Reactive WebClient works and how you can use it to consume RESTful web services. If we talk about Continue Reading